This Is What Cities Would Look Like With Classical Paintings Instead Of Outdoor Ads

Published 10 years ago

“OMG who stole my ads?“ is a fun and creative project by artist Etienne Lavie, who decided to let his imagination run free and see how the streets of Milan and Paris would look with classical paintings instead of the outdoor ads most are used to. He took the pictures of the cities and the paintings separately, later joining them together into utopian cityscapes.

The project seems well-suited for cities like Milan and Paris – European sanctuaries of classical art. Big cities are being bombarded more and more with constantly flashing and twinkling outdoor ads. Every soul tired of modern visual noise would be happy to be surrounded by classical art instead of ads, even in a city.

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ads, advertising, art ads, art in the streets, classical art, classical art ads, classical paintings, Etienne Lavie, full-post, OMG who stole my ads?, outdoor ads, outdoor advertisement, outdoor posters, posters, street art