42 Relatable Memes About The Chaos Of Parenting

Published 11 months ago

We all need a few laughs in our life and this collection of parenting jokes, memes and posts is exactly what the doctor ordered. 

Filled with laugh-out-loud moments perfectly captured by parents who are a little tired, a little overwhelmed and a lot entertained by their kids’ antics, these posts are relatable and honest about the daily struggles of parenting in a fun way.

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Image source: IBFunnyMan

lenkaI hope he ate free for cuteness.


Image source: 21stcenturysahm


Image source: mommymemes


Image source: mommymemes

Jellie Snijders: Its exactly like that! Only, my first one is still in uni going for her phd, and my second one landed his first job already and making more money than me!


Image source: BluScr3n

Feathered Dinosaur: Or puke all over your shirt, pillow and sheetz


Image source: dad_on_my_feet

NolgothI was the former my lil brother the latter lmao


Image source: mommymemes

Will CableImagine if the roles were reversed, it would sound very sinister.


Image source: lakey_musings

David A PatersonYes!


Image source: mommymemes

MaikkuThat stuff IS important!


Image source: mommymemes


Image source: RobertManchild


Image source: mommymemes


Image source: eohiggins

Alex Davis: I hated doing things like this when I was a teacher as most would be lovely scenes like this and then some would break my heart. One kid drew a person and I asked who it was expecting it to be mum and they me. It made me wonder what was going on at home for them to consider me their safe place. Opened up a can of worms in the neglect this child faced (no obvious stuff before that, had clean clothes and food etc so parents had been sneaky in hiding it on the outside) but I got social services involved and the grandparents ended up formally adopting the child with no parental contact. Very glad I asked questions about the picture.


Image source: wittyotter_

Nice Beast LudoI like Baby and this is harsh…. what about the sister? I think they should be more concerned about Robbie the impregnator


Image source: fkenJimmy_


Image source: mommymemes

Remi (He/Him): That kid is going places. They might be supervillain places, but still


Image source: mommymemes

Andy: What is this book?!
Funhog: I had to look this one up. It’s a book called “The Story of Life” by Chris (Simpsons Artist). It’s a parody; there’s also a page about how babies shed their baby legs and grow their child legs..


Image source: mommymemes

ohjojo (you/your’s)Take photos for both proof and blackmail


Image source: mommymemes

Sue UserAnd then get it mixed up with recycling and lie awake at night because you gave the recycling plant a bunch of clothes and gave goodwill a bunch of empty cans.


Image source: mommymemes

Oskar vanZandtLOL looking at Mel Gibson as the epitome of a 90s mom…


Image source: mommymemes


Image source: IDontSpeakWhine

AnsiI feel this. Being social and outgoing to their teachers, other parents and my kids friends is exhausting sometimes. Trying to blend in as a “normal” parent when I really don’t know how.


Image source: mommymemes


Image source: mommymemes

Feathered DinosaurLeader… *laughs hysterically*


Image source: mommymemes


Image source: mommymemes

Andy Cran (edited): like the toddler who flat out denies eating the chocolate cake with chocolate cake around their mouth


Image source: mommymemes


Image source: mommymemes

Artsy Bookworm🎶 Ain’t nothing but a heartache


Image source: kidsbarony

Artsy BookwormEh, if it ain’t broke


Image source: kan_pos

lenka (edited): lol. As a mum this one is equal parts funny and frustrating. My kids ask me random things at very inopportune time. It’s like their brain goes “I want to learn how to make bread” and so their mouth goes “Mum…. can we make bread on the weekend?” Meanwhile, it’s 7pm on Tuesday evening and I am trying wrangle a toddler who is naked and wet and streaking through the house screaming “I don’t want the cowboy pajamas”. ‘We’ll see’ is honestly the most mental bandwidth I have at that point. Saturday morning child has forgotton about bread and quite frankly, so have I. Its now 5pm on Sunday afternoon, I’m making dinner and kid suddenly remembers bread. F**k. I dont have flour, Kid doesnt have two hours to let it rise because kid has to go to bed. Cue screams of “you never let me do anything”. Sigh. Breath.


Image source: mommymemes


Image source: wittyotter_

Artsy BookwormToddlers are too strong for their age and size, and fast, and slippery most of the time.


Image source: mommymemes


Image source: mommymemes



Image source: punjaabikudii


Image source: mommymemes


Image source: Bottomofmypurse

Nice Beast Ludo: Or they end up as a registered sex offender for streaking through a football field on their 18th birthday


Image source: maryfairybobrry

MabelbabelWe do pizza night. I set out a selection of toppings, stretch out the dough, and the kids choose their own toppings-amount, placement, mix of cheeses etc from the selection. It’s not uncommon for them to change their minds once theirs comes out of the oven. ‘I don’t want mushrooms on my pizza’ even though they put the mushrooms on it themselves, saying “great, I love mushrooms!” but 20 minutes later, mushrooms are devil food and they wanted sweetcorn like their brothers pizza has. It still all gets eaten, just not by the person who created it sometimes.


Image source: mommymemes

Remi (He/Him)Laughing in older than internet


Image source: mommymemes

Andy Cran (edited): like the toddler who flat out denies eating the chocolate cake with chocolate cake around their mouth


Image source: peanut

SpannermonkeyA long time ago, my mother said to me (a non-breeder,) don’t worry, you’ll get your friends back in about 20 years. She was pretty much right.


Image source: mommymemes

Jade (she/they)Take their chargers and watch them slowly use their devices less as the battery dies

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



funny, memes, mom memes, mommy memes, parenting, parenting memes