25 Funny Responses People Gave When Someone Online Asked If Payphones Were Real
Recently, someone asked X users if payphones were a real thing or if they were just made as props for movies. While it seems ludicrous to think of something very real to us as something fantastical to current generations, the reality is that if they’ve never seen it, how do they know it actually existed? But of course, many people do remember the payphone boxes that used to be everywhere and these folk were quick to reply with some rather intense answers as you can see in the gallery below.
Image source: GarnerChristina
Elle Lian: This is the comment I was looking for.
Image source: KatieerinxX
Image source: natallman
Image source: Suther_Rose
Image source: WilemElliott
Image source: FlashHeart59
Arthur Waite: When my Wife was in hospital for a two-weeks stay, the only telephone in her area was a pay phone – cells not allowed because of ‘interference with medical equipment”. So, every time I came to see her I’d bring a couple of quarters and put one in the coin return as I passed. I heard from the nurses that people were charmed to be ‘lucky’. Made someone’s day.
Image source: DrMagnolias
Image source: wjwheeler54
Image source: Dontmovetomi
Image source: cahlbooks
Image source: TheWapplehouse
Image source: wheels198516
Image source: VERBAL_CHANCLA
Image source: LindaBobel
Image source: dotterp
Learner Panda: Expecting my first baby, our new build didn’t have a landline. I drove myself to the only phone box in the village and called hubby. Little lady arrived four hours later!
Image source: Littof
Lyone Fein: They were the only place we had to change into our superhero clothes.
Image source: sophiakb_writes
LizzieBoredom (edited): Plus the demise of pay phones made any number of Rock songs obsolete.
Image source: rubitistan
Image source: walkthejosh
Image source: SinisterNails
PattyK: “Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth” by Godfrey “Doc” Daniels tells of a pay phone in the middle of nowhere. People from around the world would visit it in order to answer it when it rang. And people from around the world would call it, hoping that someone would be there to answer it.
Image source: Buckiemohawk
Anna Stephenson: MILKMEN!-YES!- I was born in ’79, and I remember mum leaving the glass bottles out to be collected, and they’d be replaced with full glass bottles of milk with those little aluminium foil lids!
Image source: lyndseyfifield
Image source: DocGiani
Image source: joelgaines
Image source: PeteKaliner
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