Here’s What Happens When You Ask The Wrong Guy For Help (16 New Pics)
What do you do when an Instagram filter is not enough to fix your photo? You contact a photoshop master that can use their amazing skills to alter your images and ask them to lend a helping hand. James Fridman is a master like that who is generous enough to help out bunches of strangers that approach him online asking for Photoshop-related favors. Actually, the man is quite famous now for taking the requests he gets seriously and also, very literally.
People that send out pictures to Fridman never really know what they will get back after the editor has done his magic, and the more ambiguous the request, the more freedom to go crazy the Photoshop wizard has. Still, no matter how the guy interprets the asks, all of his creations are hilarious and people love them so much, his inbox keeps filling up with more and more pictures that wait for their attention.
Scroll down to see the newest examples of Fridman’s masterful editing work and check out our previous posts about him here, here, and here.
More info: jamesfridman.com | Facebook | Twitter (h/t)
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
Image source: James Fridman
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