Proven ways to Augment Customer Satisfaction in your Call Centre

Published 8 years ago

In this customer-driven world, it is important to focus on strengthening customer satisfaction levels. Growing demand and shifting customer preferences have mounted pressure on many customer care managers to deal with this shift in demands. Today, there are a host of metrics (KPIs) that call centres can use to achieve optimum performance and customer satisfaction, including first call resolution (FCR), abandon rate and service level.

This guest blog post will highlight three strategic areas that will help you to improve overall customer experiences:

> Customer Effort,

> Agent Attitude

> Multi-Channel Efficiency.

Customer effort: Experts believe that reducing ‘customer effort’ is one of the most effective ways to increase customer satisfaction rates. As per current industry trends, marketing professionals prefer Customer Effort Score (CES) over Net Promoter Score (NPS. Both of these metrics are examined by asking the caller a single question. With CES, the question is about to the efforts that you personally take in order to meet the request of the customer. And, in case of NPS, it is about how frequently you are referring your friends to use the services of your company.

The chief drawback of CES and NPS is that they are subjective in nature. In order to track CES in your call centre India, you have to determine how and when to ask the question and what is the level of the customer ( ‘very little’” to ‘“very much’”). It would not be a right trick to compare the scores for ‘checking my balance’ with ‘changing my policy”’. An interesting fact about CES is not a single process in the BPO really captures the full journey of a customer. It is worthless to focus on the metric ‘Average Handle Time’, when phone call was the part of multi-channel journey.

Multi-channel efficiency: We live in an era of multi-channel age. As per the CCIQ, 88% of companies have adopted multi-channel to address the growing customer demand. Providing their preferred channel to your customers will reduce customer effort, thereby, increase the customer satisfaction level. However, it puts excessive stress on the contact centre, in terms of staff and technical resources. A recent study from Ovum reveals that 74% of customers use 3 or more channels for their queries. It is true that each channel performs to its own capabilities, but it is important that ‘they play well together’.

A research conducted by Forrester states, that voice is still the most popular channel with 73% utilization rate. The problem is, companies often don’t have efficient resources, and it negatively impacts the customer loyalty.

Agent attitude: Customer care executives or agents are the front line representatives of any call centre. A small variation in training, attitude or behavior can have a major impact on customer satisfaction rate. A research conducted by Frost and Sullivan found that 60% of all repeat calls occur due to inappropriate training or processes. Most of the call centres commit the common mistake of evaluating the performance of agents just on the basis of Average Handle Time (AHT) metrics and calls per day. This, in fact, measures the efficiency, not the effectiveness. Inclined focus to other metrics, can dramatically change the agent behavior to garner higher customer satisfaction rate.

These are a few important ways, through which you can improve the customer satisfaction rate in your call centre. Always choose a reputed call centre India to augment your business performance.

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Atul Chaudhary

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