12 Illustrated Quotes To Inspire Creative People
Zachary Petit is a journalist, magazine editor, photo dabbler, and as he says himself “lover of all things writerly, design-ish and nerd-like.” And that “design-ish” bit is why we’re here, because he’s just released a new book “Treat Ideas Like Cats,” filled with illustrated quotes meant to inspire creative people.
Since he was a teenager, Zachary was pulling quotes from his favorite books, films and creative people in general, and now he’s put them all in a book.
In it you’ll find “awesomely illustrated and given the space they deserve, are 182 wisdoms from some of the most brilliant people to have walked the earth,” writes Zach. “This is a book for designers. This is a book for writers. This is a book for artists, musicians, actors, and maybe even the imaginative dentist.“
More info: amazon | zachary petit (h/t: howdesign)
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