‘Today-I-Learned’: 25 Random Facts From A Daily Page That Shares New Knowledge
There’s plenty to learn about the world and every day, it seems we keep adding new knowledge to our internal databases. The most recent addition of facts and trivia is through the ‘Today I Learned’ subreddit. As the name suggests, folks share the most random pieces of knowledge they’ve gathered about various subjects. If your brain craves new information scroll to check out some of the best facts found on the thread, which we’ve shared with you in the gallery below.
#1 A Challenger space shuttle engineer, Allan McDonald, raised safety concerns against the wishes of his employer & NASA. He was ignored; a fatal accident resulted. When McDonald spoke out, he was demoted by his company. Congress stepped in to help him. He later taught ethical decision making
Image source: todayilearned, NASA
#2 Unescorted women prevented men from casually assaulting them in the early 1900s with a simple clothing accessory – the hat pin, and it was so effective as a weapon that laws were passed limiting it’s length in many states
Image source: todayilearned, atlasobscura
#3 During the siege of Leningrad, scientists working at the world’s largest collection of seeds protected the seeds from the threats of the cold, the hungry residents of the besieged city, rats, and their own hunger. Twenty-eight of the botanists died during the siege, protecting their collection
Image source: todayilearned, 42 North/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#4 Mozart died at 35, and wrote 800 pieces, 22 pieces every year he lived
Image source: todayilearned, Stafford Choral Society
#5 An Olympian sold her silver medal to fund a boy’s surgery. The buyer let her keep it
Image source: todayilearned, sergign/Envato (not the actual photo)
#6 In a feat of rage, Emperor Hadrian once stabbed a slave in the eye with a pen. Feeling regretful whe he calmed down, Hadrian called the slave and told him to ask for literally anything as compensation. The slave replied “i just want my eye back”
Image source: todayilearned, Marie-Lan Nguyen
#7 During the Apollo 13 mission, Jack Swigert realized he had forgotten to file his tax return. NASA contacted the IRS, who agreed that he was considered ‘out of country’ and therefore entitled to a deadline extension
Image source: todayilearned, NASA
#8 I learned that Mexico, which abolished slavery in 1837, refused the United States’ request to return escaped slaves back up north. Between 3,000 to 5,000 runaway slaves would flee to Mexico
Image source: todayilearned, Ricky Esquivel/Pexels
#9 There is a study that proves across 80 pairs of jeans that women pockets are generally half the size of men for the same brand. Only 40% of them can comfortably fit an iPhone X and only 10% can fit your entire hand. In comparison 100% of male jeans can fit both.
Image source: todayilearned, jasmin chew/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#10 Roger Fisher, a Harvard Law School professor who proposed putting the US nuclear codes inside a person, so that the president has no choice but to take a life to activate the country’s nuclear weapons
Image source: todayilearned, Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#11 After his death, it was revealed that Stan Lee, famous Marvel Comics writer, suffered Elder Abuse from various handlers and family members who alienated him from the other part of his family and fired his accountants, lawyers, and caretakers that have been with him for decades
Image source: todayilearned, U.S Army
#12 A young couple in Japan divorce and remarry each other every 3 years to take turns using their family names, all because they can’t come into agreement on which last name to use
Image source: todayilearned, Mainichi/Kayo Mukuda
#13 Dashrath Manjhi, the “Mountain Man,” spent 22 years carving a 110-meter path through a mountain using just a hammer and chisel. Motivated by grief after his wife died due to a long route to the hospital, he shortened the journey from 55 km to 15 km.
Image source: todayilearned, ABP NEWS
#14 The “microwave-safe” label on plastic containers only means they won’t melt or warp, and doesn’t guarantee that chemicals won’t leach into your food when heated
Image source: todayilearned, Elyaqim Mosheh Adam/Flickr (not the actual photo)
#15 Chinstrap penguins take more than 10,000 micro-naps a day, lasting an average of 4 seconds, for a total of more than 11 hours of daily sleep
Image source: todayilearned, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
#16 Aurora Rodríguez Carballeira attempted to create an ideal human being through her daughter, Hildegart. Hildegart read at 2, spoke 4 languages at 8, joined law school at 13, becoming professor there at 18. Her mother [took her life] her when she tried to run away.
Image source: todayilearned, Unknown
#17 DJ scratching was invented in 1975 when Grand Wizzard Theodore was playing records loudly, making his mother to enter his room to scold him. This caused him to hold the record still, accidentally moving it back and forth and liking the sound it made
Image source: todayilearned, Paulo Oliveira/Pexels (not the actual photo)
#18 Alanis Morrisette was dropped by her record label after disappointing sales of her first two albums. Her third album, Jagged Little Pill, is the 13th highest selling album of all time worldwide
Image source: todayilearned
#19 At 15, Kara Robinson was kidnapped and assaulted by a serial killer for 18 hours. She managed to escape after manipulating him to feel at ease. She later helped police to capture him because she had memorized details of her surroundings
Image source: todayilearned, Kara Robinson Chamberlain
#20 Key West declared independence from the United States in 1982, then declared war, then immediately surrendered to apply for foreign aid, after being frustrated by the lack of response from the US government to complaints about a roadblock
Image source: todayilearned, Jmckean
#21 Howard Hughes was a chronic insomniac who wanted to watch movies on TV when most people were asleep, but when he first arrived in Las Vegas he discovered that it had no all-night TV stations. So he purchased a local station in 1967 and turned it into a 24/7 channel.
Image source: todayilearned, Acme Newspictures
#22 Abraham Lincoln and four other Illinois legislators jumped out of a window to prevent a quorum on a vote that would have eliminated the Illinois State Bank in 1840. It was reported that this wasn’t his first time doing this to prevent a vote
Image source: todayilearned , Alexander Gardner
#23 71 year old Bernard Gore was supposed to meet his wife and daughter in a mall in Sydney after first doing a little shopping himself. Instead, he exited a mall door leading to a stairwell labyrinth and was found dead 3 weeks later failing to find his way out
Image source: todayilearned, NSW Police
#24 Borat’s first movie was banned in Kazakhstan but when the second was released they made a tourism campaign around “Very Nice!”
Image source: todayilearned, Kazakhstan Travel
#25 Charles de Gaulle was not told about the D-Day landings until 2 days before as the British and French leaders did not believe the French could keep the information secret
Image source: todayilearned, Unknown
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