40 Of The Funniest Science Memes From A Page With More Than 2M Followers
Science can seem daunting because it deals with complicated theories and hypotheses. But the basic principles of science may be simpler to understand than we realize. When we apply that knowledge to everyday situations with a humourous intent, we get some cool science memes. This is exactly what the folks at the social media project ‘Science is Fun’ have set out to do. Headed by Tomas Rosko, this page moderators have been creating engaging content with the intent of showing people that science can actually be pretty interesting. Scroll down to decide for yourself, if their lofty claims are true or false.
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
BoredHouseKitty: Makes me wonder if those hieroglyphs also contain feelings and emotions in their meanings
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Nea: Nerd spotted.
Image source: sciencefunn
Cat Chat: When police ask for the public’s assistance in identifying a criminal and there are about half the people in your life you aren’t sure if you should be afraid of.
Image source: sciencefunn
Steve Robert: He’s not exactly wrong though
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Image source: sciencefunn
Cat Chat: Unfortunately, you can’t fix stupid.
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
SCP 4666: Jessica Pinkman ☺️
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
cerinamroth: I can feel the silent screams from here
Image source: sciencefunn
Savahax: Poetry: knowing where the cat is and making a cryptic description of it instead of being clear about it
Image source: sciencefunn
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Image source: sciencefunn
Cat Chat: I wish he knew that people are belatedly hearing his jokes now.
Image source: sciencefunn
Image source: sciencefunn
Adam Zad: C Code. C Code run. Run, DAMNIT! RUN!!
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Savahax: Found it!! It’s in the Carina-Sagittarius Arm, 68385th star from the left, second planet out. It’s on the table can’t miss it
Image source: sciencefunn
martin734: But not yet.
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Image source: sciencefunn
Image source: sciencefunn
Cat Chat (edited): If it works… Edit: I like the Warning in the small print. It’s hard to read it all, but paraphrased it says “If eyes are [moving] in an increased manner leave the building immediately”
Image source: sciencefunn
Manana Man: And then the underline was invented.
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Doctor Strange: The moon landing WAS faked. NASA filmed it. However, they hired Stanley Kubrick to do the filming, and he was such a perfectionist that he insisted on shooting on location.
Image source: sciencefunn
Chicken Nugget: I don’t have a favorite line from this because literally every single sentence is pure gold lmfao
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Chicken Nugget: They can run as fast as a bald Tom Cruise driving a Ford Focus being pulled backwards by three large llamas wearing aprons
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Cat Chat: How is this so accurate, yet I still ended up with high grades?
Image source: sciencefunn
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Cori: It’s the hammock looking thing that really pushes it over the edge for me.
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
cerinamroth: I love this! And congratulations; your baby is beautiful!
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Image source: sciencefunn
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Image source: sciencefunn
Image source: sciencefunn
Image source: sciencefunn, x.com
Image source: sciencefunn
Image source: sciencefunn
Image source: sciencefunn
Image source: sciencefunn
Image source: sciencefunn
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