Shocking Print Ads Show The Horrible Effects Of Deforestation

Published 10 years ago

Social ads that concern animal issues are meant to shock us and perhaps even convince us to change our destructive ways of life. This is exactly what creative and art director Ganesh Prasad Acharya and copywriter Kaushik Katty Roy did with their arresting ads for Sanctuary Asia, India’s first and one of its foremost environmental news magazines. The ads encourage us to see the destruction of wildlife habitats as nothing less than the murder of all its native fauna.

The slogan of the straight-forward ad reads: “When the wood go, wildlife goes.” The message complements the already disturbing images of lifeless trees, cut down together with the heads of any animals that happened to be residing on them. Though the graphic message does take aim at the companies whose destructive activities threaten the lives of these and many other animal species, its most important target is the common population – if regular people change their minds and their habits, they can also make a difference.

More info: (h/t: designtaxi, adeevee)

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advertisement, animal conservation, animal preservation, conservation, environmental issue, full-post, Ganesh Prasad Acharya, Kaushik Katty Roy, raising awareness, Sanctuary Asia, social ad, social advertisement, social issue, when the wood go, wildlife, wildlife conservation, wildlife goes, wildlife preservation, woods