Super-Hero Bookend That Keeps Your Books From Falling Down
Do you have any books or graphic novels that keep falling off your shelf? Then superhero bookends are here to save the day! The quirky contraptions feature non-trademark men of steel to keep you books upwards. The trick is in magnets. The books are held by a thin, night invisible shelf that fits in the back of the book, while the superhero is attached via a magnet. In the “Book & Hero” version, it’s angled along the books. In “Supershelf”, the shelf hangs from the wall, while a generic superman lifts the books up.
The bookends come from an Israeli company called Artori Design. They make a lot of quirky, silhouetted items for you everyday life, like a cat vs. dog kitchen towel holder or a red napkin holder in the shape of a toreador baiting a bull.
Now, all we need is a pickle jar opener in the shape of a superhero.
More info: artoridesign.com | facebook (h/t: mymodernmet)
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