20 Times This Artist Created Illustrations About Social Issues And Imperfections Of Modern Life
Our modern society isn’t as amazing as we’d like it to be. To show just how silly and ridiculous modern society can be, one artist decided to provide a social commentary on it with interesting thought-provoking illustrations.
Koren Shadmi is a New York-based artist who illustrates the condition of modern society with a touch of irony and sarcasm. His works have been published in popular magazines like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, The Washington Post, etc. Check out some of his illustrations that point out the absurdness of modern society in the gallery below.
More info: Facebook | korenshadmi.com | Instagram | twitter.com | behance.net
Image source: korenshadmi
Image source: korenshadmi
“When a patient is in the terminal condition it’s up to the family to decide if they want them to spend their last days in the hospital, or in the more comfortable and familiar environment of their home. A difficult subject to tackle, but I did my best.”
Image source: korenshadmi
“Corporations lobbying to silence proof of global warming.”
Image source: korenshadmi
“Illustration for the NY Times styles section from a few years ago. The column dealt with the taboo of discussing your salary when in reality it’s for a workers’ benefit to know what their colleagues are making.”
Image source: korenshadmi
Image source: korenshadmi
“Social media addict.”
Image source: korenshadmi
“Bad savings.”
Image source: korenshadmi
“Austerity was in full force in Europe and often ended up hurting more than helping. In Spain, middle-class citizens defaulted on mortgages, lost their homes, and found no help in the government.”
Image source: korenshadmi
“All tangled up”
Image source: korenshadmi
“The cover I drew for The Village Voice from a few years ago. The cover story dealt with predatory loan sharks that were buying up debt from various companies and then hounding mostly poor individuals for the money. I hope this type of predatory behavior has been curbed but I would dare guess that it hasn’t.”
Image source: korenshadmi
“Imagine a world after civilization is gone. Will anything survive after us humans? Will nature reclaim our cities and towns? Will an epidemic be the end-all of humanity? Probably not this virus, but maybe the next one?”
Image source: korenshadmi
“Silicon Valley is remaking the American school system. A handful of tech giants have plugged their hardware and software into US public schools. Is it just one great social experiment?”
Image source: korenshadmi
“The disturbing reality of the Amazon Go smart grocery stores.”
Image source: korenshadmi
“What’s in the fridge? I don’t want you to panic, but we are running low on olives! Should you brave a trip to the grocery store? Food and our guts are tied to ancient animal survival instincts. Sometimes we can get irrational about it”
Image source: korenshadmi
“How do men diet? They eat less!”
Image source: korenshadmi
“Sickness and surveillance – an illustration about how the government is looking to collect our data in order to fight the COVID19 infection. When is an invasion of privacy justified? All our data is already out there swimming around, so maybe a bit more spying to save some lives is not a bad idea.”
Image source: korenshadmi
“The Chinese government is on its way to establishing its very own social credit system. It will judge the trustworthiness of it’s 1.3 billion residents. Much like the nightmarish episode of Black Mirror, each person will be given a score based on a variety of factors, including finances, shopping habits, social media interactions, and more. The future is here, and it’s terrifying.”
Image source: korenshadmi
“New hope after four years of destruction.”
Image source: korenshadmi
“How Facebook is toying with your brain and putting the world at risk while doing so. The social media behemoth is fine-tuning an AI that will be able to influence the thoughts and actions of users. Is it time to rein in this powerful tool and inject it with the morality it lacks?”
Image source: korenshadmi
“How to impress at a job interview.”
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