This Artist Created A Powerful Comic Showing The Negative Effects Toxic Masculinity Has On Men
Luke Humphris is an Australian artist who creates autobiographical comics about his life. Recently, he has created an eye-opening comic about the effects toxic masculinity has on men his experiences might shock you.
Ever since he was little, the artist, along with his brother, was taught not to cry and keep his feelings to himself. As time went on, many of his hobbies were deemed ‘unmanly’ and the constant pressure to ‘stay strong’ eventually led his brother to suicide. But even after such a shocking event, Luke was discouraged from showing his emotions.
He finally managed to move away from the overly masculine culture of Australia and is currently living in Toronto. “I am older and I do find that I am able to express myself without the same social restraints as when I was younger, but some stuff does linger and I try to be mindful of it,” said the artist in an interview with Bored Panda. “Most people probably find that as well as they get older. I still catch myself doing my part to put these negative expectations on friends and peers, so again, I try to be mindful about that as well.”
The artist is glad that people are sharing his comic and referencing it as a learning tool – he says that was the point of it. Even though some people disagree with him, Luke says he’s fine with it. “Some say that it is sexist to call masculinity toxic. It’s like, come on dude, one of the points of the comic is that masculinity is not toxic, this comic is made for you!”
Check out Luke’s comic about the effects toxic masculinity has on men in the gallery below!
More info: Website | Patreon | h/t: Bored Panda
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Got wisdom to pour?
Way too many young men killing themselves and I’m not risking telling my suicidal nephew to just ‘live his life’ or ‘just take responsibility for his life..FFS!” or to ‘not wallow in his feelings!’. He needs and deserves better than that! Yes OF COURSE he needs to ‘live his life’, OF COURSE he needs to take personal responsibility for his life and OF COURSE he cannot afford to wallow in his feelings. To achieve all of that, he needs support, guidance and encouragement! Love the cartoon!
It’s terrifying to see things like this. I can’t say I’ve experienced this personally – I’m a woman – but I’ve seen it in a lot of my friends. Recently, one of them opened up to me about some mental and emotional problems that had been going on for years. After, he said that it was the first time he’d told anyone. He was shocked that I even bothered to listen. Everybody needs support. Everybody has problems. Nobody deserves to suffer in silence.