Upcoming Web Design Trends of 2017

Published 8 years ago

Web design in the recent years went through a variety of changes. In 2016 we have seen many of the new web design trends to appear and several old design trends to take a new shape. Some of these trends will only gain more traction and focus in the coming years while a few trends can leave behind others in 2017.

Here below we have picked up some of the most web design trends that are going to remain dominant fit most of 2017 and beyond.


Visuals are playing a definitive role for user experience. Visuals offering storytelling effect are increasingly being preferred by business websites to tell the story of their brands and engage audience quickly. Visual storytelling in web design besides taking the help of high-resolution images and graphic layouts is also incorporating the advantages of illustration, parallax scrolling, and animation to create a rich effect.

Micro-mini Interactions

Throughout the better half of 2015, we heard a lot about micro interactions in web design and the buzz continued to get louder through this year as well. Naturally, as it happens with anything popular and enough cultivated, the micro interactions became further tuned to address a number of miniature interactions. So, we got micro-mini interactions. These interactions are smaller and more imperceptible than micro interactions but over time they can help making the user experience better.

Haptic Feedback Technologies

Haptic feedback emanating from the world of mobile hit the web as a massive trend. Haptic feedback is nothing but a sense of touch when someone touches a digital object on the screen. For instance, upon touching a virtual key of keyboard you can get a feel of touching the real keyboard or a vibration as you press the keys with your fingers. By incorporating haptic feedback the designer can easily allow a sense of touch and thus can bring real life element into a digital experience.

Smart navigation

Navigation in web design is continuing to become smarter and if you still think “hamburger” menu is the optimum limit of this smartness, you are terribly mistaken. The navigation in the websites of the coming time is going to be further smarter by addressing the context of use. Anticipating the user behavior, needs, and actions the menu buttons can appear allowing quicker accessibility and more room on the screen.

Lazy Loading

When high-speed page loading is the first priority for the majority of websites as users these days are more impatient and hectic in their behavior, lazy loading comes to their rescue. Instead of loading the entire web page at the same time the page loads the requested part of the page instantly while continuing loading the rest in the background. This is becoming popular with most websites just because besides ensuring optimum speed it helps saving bandwidth as well for the website.

Custom graphics

As websites today no longer needs to be concerned of the constraints of bandwidth and speed, using rich graphics and visual elements became a trend in most websites. This gave birth to the trend of using custom graphics with the use of illustrations, images, and video.

Video banner

Video banner ads with automatic play have taken over many websites as most users these days are not concerned over data usage. Offering video slider and video banner ads will continue to remain popular in the coming months and beyond 2017.

Bold font and colors

Rich bold colors and stylish typeface have become extremely popular to augment the flat design interface and together this almost became a design convention for most websites. The use of bold colors and fonts allowed brands to incorporate more fun and personality in the overall interface. The use of eye candy colors and typeface helped brands creating a brand statement and grab attention quickly. The trend is going to remain a mainstay in 2017.

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Bharat Nimblechapps

Bharat Mamtora is Online Marketer at Nimblechapps Mobile App Development Company. His expertise in Search Engine Marketing & Optimization (SEO), App Store Optimization (ASO) Internet Marketing and Social Media Marketing.

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web design trend 2017