10 Winners From The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022 That Might Put A Smile On Your Face

Published 2 years ago

The winners of the 2022 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards just got announced and you’ll be surprised to see the hilarious moments captured by the talented wildlife photographers.

The overall title was won by Jennifer Hadley who captured the reflexes of a lion cub. There are many other crazy and funny photos that made it to the winning list and were highly commended by the judges. Scroll below to look at some great animal pictures that might put a smile on your face.

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#1 Highly Commended: “Fight Back” By John Chaney

Image source: © John Chaney/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

“This salmon decides to punch the bear in the face rather than be lunch.”

#2 Highly Commended: “I’m Gonna Strangle You!” By Emmanuel Do Linh San

Image source: © Emmanuel Do Linh San/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

“I was following a group of meerkats on foot in the Kalahari Trails Game Reserve, in South Africa. Most individuals, including adults, were in a playful mood. It gave me a unique opportunity to capture very interesting and dynamic interactions between some members of the group. In the photo that I have selected, there is no aggression between individuals, but rather an interaction that reminds us of humans when one of your friends jokes about you and you pretend to strangle them and, in response, they open their mouth like a simpleton.”

#3 Highly Commended: “Hello Everyone” By Miroslav Srb

Image source: © Miroslav Srb/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

“I photographed raccoon on a Florida beach, where I fed him shrimps. Then he thanked me like that.”

#4 Winner Of Affinity Photo 2 People’s Choice Award: “Talk To The Fin!” By Jennifer Hadley

Image source: © Jennifer Hadley/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

“This was shot on the Falkland Islands. These two gentoo penguins were hanging out on the beach when one shook himself off and gave his mate the snub.”

#5 Highly Commended: “Excuse Me… Pardon Me!” By Ryan Sims

Image source: © Ryan Sims/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

“A duckling walking/waddling across a turtle covered log at the Juanita wetlands, the duckling fell off after a few turtle crossings, it was cute.”

#6 Overall & Land Category Winner: “Not So Cat-Like Reflexes” By Jennifer Hadley

Image source: © Jennifer Hadley/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

“This 3 month old cub and his sibling were in a tree. The other lionesses were in other trees and on the ground. He wanted to get down and walked all over the branches looking for the right spot and finally just went for it. It was probably his first time in a tree and his descent didn’t go so well. He was just fine though after landing on the ground. He got up and ran off with some other cubs.”

#7 Highly Commended: “Keep Calm And Keep Your Head” By Martin Grace

Image source: © Martin Grace/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

“Two King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) at Volunteer Point in the Falklands. The right hand bird may have an inscrutable expression but it must be wondering where its mate’s head has gone. Perhaps it is a Rudyard Kipling scholar: ‘If you can keep your head when all about you. Are losing theirs and blaming it on you.”

#8 Winner Of Air Award: “Misleading African Viewpoints 2” By Jean Jacques Alcalay

Image source: © Jean Jacques Alcalay/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

“Hippo yawning next to a heron standing on the back of another hippo.”

#9 Winner Of Junior Award: “I CU Boy !” By Arshdeep Singh

Image source: © Arshdeep Singh/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

“Few hundred miles away we went to explore wildlife of a small town named ‘Bikaner’. It was after almost a year I travelled because of covid. We hired a guide to explore places around. During last day of our trip we came across a pipe in a city where we spotted an owlet. I have earlier clicked owls in a pipe before so I was sure that I wasn’t mistake. We waited for a short while and it didn’t take a long time and one of the spotted owlet came out of the pipe. It was really funny when he came out and looked at me straight, before going inside he closed one of his eyes and felt like he wanted to say I CU boy ! and I immediately snapped a picture when he gave this pose.”

#10 Highly Commended: “Tight Fit!” By Mark Schocken

Image source: © Mark Schocken/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

“I was going to see and photograph this eastern screech owl nest in a local park in Florida. One morning, a few days before the two owlets fledged, one owlet tried to squeeze into the nest hole with Mom, maybe to see the outside world for the first time. It was hilarious and I was glad I was there that morning to photograph it. The moment lasted only a few seconds as Mom didn’t seem very happy with the arrangement. Check out the expression on her face.”

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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Comedy Wildlife Photography, Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022, funny, funny animas, funny photos, photography