15 powerful social issue ads that strike your soul

Published 8 years ago

People have developed a mostly negative attitude toward marketing and advertising, considering those to be the most annoying, often misleading and tricking methods companies use to attract more customers to their products and services and boost their revenue. The extent, to which advertising has been invading our daily lives and controlling our consumption choices is almost impossible to assess.

The power and the influence those infomercials, online ads, banners, billboards, posters in public transport and social attractions constantly remain within our eyeshot and make us subconsciously think about the subject displayed and develop a certain vision of it.

Furthermore, the way we judge the quality of the products in their broadest understanding (whether those are travelling agency’s services, banking, house cleaning ads, movie posters or ads to buy another ‘exciting’ kitchen appliance or the most durable lipstick) is partially influenced by the way its producers managed to promote its advantages and the way their competitors managed to override them.

Advertising is the kind of influence we can’t avoid in the modern world. However, this most influential mean of mass promotion and the industry employing thousands of marketing geniuses, designers, photographers, psychology experts, animators, publishers and other people of related professions manages to apply its means to a good cause and conduct amazingly powerful social awareness campaigns.

Those make busy people, concentrated on their daily struggles, lift their head up and think about the issues facing many people in this world and make them willing to make a change in their lives or contribute to the life improvement of those, who’re in need of special care and protection. It’s also used to draw public’s attention to certain problems and destructive processes modern society is going through and bring people together to overcome them (or at least make sure they’re informed). The effort to spread the message, to awaken something in our hearts and to stop indifference, the call for action and for the voice of people is what makes those ads so important and valuable.

An appealing shot of a thoughtful photographer or a composition brought together by a team of creative designers, which manages to stand out among a million of other posters and strike people’s mind, combined with a short, memorable and heart striking message or saying to evoke deep emotions – these 10 of the most powerful social issue ads have that all.

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“If violence tags you, you know with whom to share”.











“We won’t sell Kinder chocolate eggs in the interest of child safety. Why not assault weapons?”













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advertisement, photography, powerful ads, social ads, social advertisments, social issue ads, social issues