21 Incredible Fonts That Shouldn’t Be Free
Just like non-verbal communication, clothing, voice and other factors besides words give you a feeling about what someone is saying, fonts also define how a written document is presented to its readers. So the quickest way to improve your message is actually choosing the right font!
Luckily, the best things in life are for free, and we even did the searching work for you. In this collection you’ll find some of the best free fonts around that you can easily download with a few clicks of the mouse. Have fun, and afterwards don’t forget to tell us which ones you like best.
Got wisdom to pour?
Either I can’t read or Quarters is spelled wrong.. But it’s a great font either way!
VERY nice free fonts…. I’m going to use them in my projects…
This was really helpful for my Advance Type Class, cool website!
Some cracking fonts here, really impressive. Thanks, will put to good use
there are nice fonts, however i hate the ones that are unreadable. doesn’t text is needed to get your message across and not to hide one?
“…doesn’t text is needed to get your message across..”
The ability to string words together coherently helps too!
it’s hard to tell which font is the best on this list, because it hardly depends on designers ability to present his font. Overall, great list!
I actually never thought that it only takes some really good fonts to take your designs to the whole new level. But once I’ve tried some, I just can’t stop downloading them :) I downloaded almost all of them from your list, although I had some already. By the way, I always reduce the spacing between the letters (it’s called tracking in PS) to get this really good Hollywood poster style text.
“Oh! Mai Mai!” is the best!
i’m am designing a new website right now and I was searching for something like this..I think I’m gonna use one for my logo, thank you!
very VERY creative fonts! especially OH!mai!mai! this guy also has a really beautiful website