5 Facebook Marketing Trends To Stay Ahead of The Curve in 2016

Published 8 years ago

Love it or loathe it, Facebook is the Social Media King. With over 1.44 billion active users, it is undoubtedly the biggest marketing platforms today and has made it easy for small businesses and startups to level the playing field.

Let’s check out some Facebook stats that will help you to navigate it better, making your social media marketing strategies a success on the platform:

• Facebook has 798 million mobile daily active users, 1.25 billion mobile users and 936 million daily active users. (Source: sproutsocial.com)

• Five new profiles are created on Facebook every second. (Source: zephoria.com)

• Photo uploads on Facebook total 300 million per day. 243,055 new photos are uploaded to Facebook every minute. (Source: wishpond.com)

• The average time spent on Facebook per user per day is 21 minutes. (Source: businessinsider.in)

• There are 4.5 billion Facebook likes every day. (Source: jeffbullas.com )

Given these stats, it’s easy to understand that everyone is in a maddening frenzy of luring followers and fans, getting them involved, entertained and engaged. With so much user data base available on Facebook, marketers have a great opportunity of spreading their message by streamlining the audience.

However, the fierce competition is forcing businesses and marketers to become more creative than ever before in their marketing endeavors. You need to make sure that your marketing strategies are unique and updated so that you stand out from the crowd.

Read on to know about 5 Facebook marketing trends that will help you stay ahead of the curve in this sweet 16′ year.

Have a look!

Trend #1 Tap the Growing Community of Facebook Mobile Users

Everyone is ‘mobile’. With more and more number of people using smartphones, tablets and other devices these days, it is no surprise that people using mobile to Facebook are on the rise. According to zephoria.com, there are 1.39 billion mobile active users, of which 526 million are mobile only. Therefore, marketers should ensure that they create mobile first content for Facebook so that people don’t find it difficult to access it while they are ‘on-the-go.’

Mobile-first content, once published on the social media platform, increases engagement with the audience. It’s time that every marketer learns how to write for mobile for better results. People not only use Facebook to build their contacts or post photos of them with their families but it has become a primary source of news for them. An article published in blog.hootsuite.com states that 63 % of respondents said Facebook was their go-to source for news, and half of those people follow a news story or event exclusively through the social network.

Therefore, marketers should emphasize on mobile first content and also optimize their web properties so that large number of people can consume the content on their smartphones and tablets. Don’t forget to check if all the links on your Facebook page or inside the piece of content you have posted are mobile responsive so that you don’t lose out on your audience.

Trend #2 Facebook Videos a Must for Increasing Engagement

Facebook video viewership is growing incredibly fast. According to an article published in Techcrunch.com, Facebook now sees 8 billion average daily video views, up from just 4 billion video views per day in April. In fact, it’s grown 300% year-over-year, and users are uploading 94% more videos than they did one year ago, explains an article published in blog.pexe.so.

Facebook video is the best way to reach your audience at scale. If you have still not included Facebook video in your marketing strategy, DO IT NOW!

The marketers have already started benefiting from this trend with many of them directly posting the video on Facebook rather than on Youtube. Obviously, your video will be viewed by much more people when posted on Facebook with its huge data base. Brands are now uploading more videos to Facebook directly instead of sharing YouTube videos, marketingleap.net states.

However, this does not mean that you stop uploading videos on Youtube. It is important with respect to long-term engagement. Create content in the form of a video, something that your audience wants. Create a video that compels your audience to buy your product or service.

Trend #3 Make Use of Facebook’s Updated Search functionality

According to Small Business Trends reports, 968 million people were using Facebook daily as of June 2015, and those people were searching for information 1.5 billion times daily. And this number is going up with the introduction of Search FYI. With Facebook updating its search function (Search FYI) to make it easier for people to find content and posts while they are mobile, marketers can enjoy this new way of reaching out to their consumers. But it would be easy to reach your target audience as Facebook search results will only display the most prominent or updated articles. It may be timely topics or current events.

Though it is an essential tool for many marketers, however Facebook is still not clear how it will determine which posts are important. Till the time questions such as these are answered, marketers can track the impact of Search FYI on their Facebook metrics and can meanwhile take advantage of it.

Therefore, this could be a game-changer opportunity for the marketers to reach people through their compelling content. According to agorapulse.com, a company can improve its bottom line — and the return on its marketing investment — by targeting, targeting, and targeting customers via Facebook Search FYI. Businesses or marketers that use Facebook’s new search function can attain new heights!

Trend #4 Spend on Facebook Advertising

There has been a considerable increase in the advertising offering by social media giant Facebook. One of the advertising goals of Facebook include increasing the number of marketers using Facebook ads. Therefore, marketers can very well use this opportunity and go for paid ads which will cost them much less than TV, newspaper or radio ads.

An article published in TruConversion.com states that Facebook ads are the best way to promote your brand, boost engagement and create brand awareness. These ads are easy to create, run and manage and rank alongside some of the best ways social conversion rate optimization tactics. The first thing that every marketer needs to take care of here is that you need to know where your target audience is and get your advertisement placed accordingly so that it is visible to a large audience.

Creating content is not enough, how you distribute it is crucial for the growth of your business. The content you create should be of high quality so that so that more people click on it. You can also try out A/B testing your Facebook ads to check which font, color or image has the highest click-through rate. Facebook’s advertising gives you an option to custom your audiences (their age, number etc.) and also a tool to record the impact. So, don’t ignore this one while making your marketing strategy.

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Facebook Marketing Trends