8 Innovative Decorative Ideas For Halloween Festival

Published 9 years ago

The Halloween festival, which is celebrated on 31-October every year on a number of countries, has its roots in Samhain – an ancient Celtic festival. Halloween, which is celebrated on the eve of All Saint’s Day- observed on 1st November, is one of the most interesting and important holidays in a lot of western countries.

If we talk about the actual reason and traditional way of celebrating Halloween, it was started by Celtic people, who observed their new year on 1 November, which marked the beginning of scary winters that symbolized death. And hence on its eve they used to celebrate a festival which was meant to keep away the negativity, death, and the ghosts. Celtic people used to believe that if they dress up scary costumes, they can save their lives from ghosts, as it would help them in hiding their identity as human beings. So to confuse ghosts, they used to dress up in spooky costumes and also used to decorate their houses with scary things.

That is the reason, Halloween decorations include all kinds of uncanny or ghostly stuff. When it comes to celebrating festivals people tend to remain as traditional as possible and hence they still follow all kinds of superstitious things during the festive season.

Decorative Ideas For Halloween

#1. Apart from enjoying food and wine, Halloween is also about arranging and attending costume parties, enjoying horror movies and scary decorations.

#2. So, when it comes to embellishing your houses for the holiday, you can buy a number of Halloween decorative items from Brite Ideas Decorating.

#3. To add the Halloween touch to your decorations, you must decorate your house – its interiors and exteriors with spooky decorative lights.

#4. You must place decorative Halloween lights and displays which come in the shape of skeletons, zombies, spider, ghosts and bats etc., in the yard.

#5. Apart from that for outdoor decorations you can use Halloween lamppost covers which come in a variety of shapes such as pumpkins.

#6. In addition to that, you can find out a suitable area in your house for setting up a scary location which looks like a dark night with deserted trees and ghosts. This can really enliven your house as it helps in bringing a typical Halloween spirit to your festive decorations.

#7. The one more interesting thing that you can do to amaze your guests is to decorate your house with haunted paintings depicting old dilapidated house with bats flying all across it. Put them all over your living room, bedroom and in the dining area.

#8. In addition to that you can also place haunted statues in your garden area and backyard, this will surely greet your guests with a Halloween mood.

I think if you implement all the above-mentioned ideas effectively, you can really have great fun during your Halloween parties.

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David Milsont

David is a passionate blogger who writes about travel, architecture, and design.

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Halloween, halloween parties