35 Hilarious Memes That Got Featured On “The Funny Introvert” Instagram Page

Published 7 months ago

In a world that seems to celebrate the extroverted and outgoing, the ‘Shy Introverts‘ Instagram account has emerged as a digital haven for those who find comfort in quiet corners and cherish solitude. Through a collection of side-splitting memes, this account not only brings humor to the introverted experience but also provides a virtual nod of recognition to those who navigate social situations with a touch of awkwardness.

Let’s explore 30 funny and relatable memes from ‘Shy Introverts’ that are perfect for sharing with your socially awkward friends, creating a shared moment of laughter amidst the sea of extroverted noise.

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Image source: shyintroverts

Hawkmoon : “It’s just ahead. It works a bit like platform 9 3/4, but you have to run really fast”


Image source: shyintroverts

Bylee Victoriqua Malox : “Don’t worry…..It gets worse.”


Image source: shyintroverts

Harry Stan : “Extroverts sometimes need to shut up and leave us alone.”


Image source: shyintroverts

Socially Awkward Crow : “Omg I need one”


Image source: shyintroverts

kath morgan : “Looks like a nice afternoon, as long as it’s not too cold. Cheers 🍻”


Image source: shyintroverts

Sosha : “Solution is not to leave In the first place.”


Image source: shyintroverts

troufaki13 : “And it’s the exact opposite if there are cats there! 🤩”


Image source: shyintroverts

I know what Riley knows : “Prozac helps with this. Or, a bong hit.”


Image source: shyintroverts

Cats are cute : “An introvert I would not talk in the first place”


Image source: shyintroverts

Rebelliousslug : “I hate that people use these pics to argue he’s too old for office. I’m decades younger and feel like I would do this 50% of the time I attempt it. Some of us are just clumsy!! This is not at all a commentary on his competence for office.”


Image source: shyintroverts

️ ️~ lefty libra️ ~ : “nah uh get your ahh back here, im gonna keep saying it until you recognize it. look at me- LOOK AT ME- thank you. look my chicken nugget is a perfect circle 🤓☝🏻”

Dawn Chan : “If they do that and not at least appreciate the work you made, stop being friends with them! Onwards and upwards, I say!”


Image source: shyintroverts

I know what Riley knows : “Me looking at the dust on my furniture for days.”


Image source: shyintroverts

Mart Se : “They either want to borrow money or lure you into pyramid scheme”


Image source: shyintroverts

Firstname Lastname : “Rather, trying to figure out what aspects of my life to disclose to make this person not hate me in 2 minutes.”


Image source: shyintroverts

Mark : “espresso depresso”


Image source: shyintroverts

I know what Riley knows : “Me calling out to my bed: I’m coming! Hey, it called me first.”


Image source: shyintroverts

troufaki13 : “Especially when I make excuses about not going out. Ugh”


Image source: shyintroverts

Marla Singer : “Okay, these aren’t really introvert memes. Do people even know what that means? These are mostly just about anxiety.”


Image source: shyintroverts

Socially Awkward Crow : “Nooooo now they know the thing I told them!”


Image source: sharmavishesh26

JoMeBee : “It really is the worst…”


Image source: shyintroverts

troufaki13 : “My plan worked and I don’t know if I like it!”


Image source: shyintroverts

Dave Freeman : “The Irish goodbye”


Image source: shyintroverts

I know what Riley knows : “Or leave with everything but the loaf of bread, your reason for going to the store in the first place.”


Image source: shyintroverts

Kristina Pelėda : “Me as a next person: thanks good, they left!”


Image source: shyintroverts

 ️~ lefty libra️ ~ : “im the extrovert. so if you want me to order yall a pizza lemme know”


Image source: shyintroverts

JoMeBee : “Its cute that this sign implies that it’s a choice…”


Image source: shyintroverts

VonBlade : “Sending them a text? You’re a bit brave. Sit quietly and wait for them like any sane person.”


Image source: shyintroverts

~ lefty libra️ ~ : “you wet corndog cold pillow wet sock son of a person.” youre** welcome guys


Image source: shyintroverts

#1 Candevil Fan : “Listened to out of the rain and that first verse hit so hard I kept restarting just for that.”


Image source: shyintroverts

Mimi La Souris : “at work, I have neon orange earplugs, NEON ORANGE, and people talk to me”


Image source: shyintroverts


Image source: shyintroverts


Image source: shyintroverts


Image source: shyintroverts


Image source: shyintroverts

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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accurate introvert memes, funny, funny memes, introvert memes, mememes, Shy Introverts, socially awkward
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