30 Heartwarming Pics That Capture The Joy Of Adopted Pets

Published 12 months ago

Every day there are disheartening stories of abandoned pets. Likely resulting from humans suffering from crisis after crisis, it’s still heartbreaking to see these little furballs having to deal with the consequences. However, once in a way, there are some happy stories of these rejected floofs finding their furever homes and it’s the most heartening thing ever.  

Scroll below for a feel-good collection of pics from the perspective of the pet getting adopted emitting their joy at the occasion in a palpable manner. From fortunate kittens to adorable puppers these lucky animals feeling the joy of being wanted is clearly evident in the images shown below and bound to brighten your day too. 

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#1 Brought My Best Friend Home. He Decided He’d Like To Pose For My Picture

Image source: BIHBEASTTT

#2 My Friends Adopted Klaus! He Has One Eye, Half Of Each Ear And A Partially Amputated Tail, But He Believes That He Is A Beautiful And Perfect Baby

Image source: Emma-beautiful

#3 Newly Adopted. So Timid But Such A Sweetheart!

Image source: Kiwiana2021

#4 Adopted 2 Brothers The Other Day And This Is How It’s Going

Image source: Iluvgeazy

#5 Went In For A Dog But Came Home With This Guy, No Regrets

Image source: Woodland117

#6 Adopted A Brother And Sister That Were Left At A Truck Stop

Image source: narlycharley

#7 Today From My Balcony I Spotted A Random Feral Kitten Being Shunned By The Local Strays. Meet My New Friend Orion

Image source: waplants

#8 My New Baby, Oatmeal

Image source: peachberrybloom

#9 We Swore This Time We Were Only Going To Foster. Failed Again

Image source: ammofortherank

#10 This Is Little Prosciutto. We Adopted Him 2 Weeks Ago

Image source: eimansepanta

#11 Rescued This Cute Girl Yesterday

Image source: kurtbeans9

#12 Meet The Newest Member Of Our Family, Nori!

Image source: Doge8895

#13 Meet Ollie! 2 Month Old Kitty, That We Adopted Yesterday From The Shelter! He Got Himself Between The Mattress And The Wall And Instantly Fell Asleep. We Love Him Already So Much!

Image source: Viktorija O.

#14 Adorable Senior Foster Failure

Image source: OptmstcExstntlst

#15 We Found This Boy Under A Dumpster In A Publix Parking Lot Yesterday. He was covered in ticks and fleas and is doing much better after two baths. Vet says he’s healthy and is approximately 4 weeks old.

Image source: dogwheeze

#16 Hades The Rescue Pup And Goofball

Image source: aconitegamerog

#17 Our New Family Member

Image source: pandapoepie

#18 Someone Dropped Off This Cat In My Garden. Guess We Have A New Cat!

Image source: alteredgex

#19 Appreciation Post For My New Kitten! He Was Found In A Parking Lot Next To His Mama Who Had Passed Away. After A Vet Trip And A Few Weeks Of Eating He’s Looking So Healthy!

Image source: InternationalFig988

#20 Look At This Little Cookie On His Stomach! Adopted Him Yesterday And Love Him So Much Already

Image source: kiwhyy

#21 It Was Love At First Sight, Just Adopted This Baby

Image source: itscicelia

#22 The Face You Make 4 Days After Being Adopted. Meet Blue

Image source: Rarecandy31

#23 Saved This Little Guy Over The Weekend

Image source: alwill1984

#24 Found Outside A Bestbuy In A Bush, Meet Cinder, Short For Cinderblock

Image source: CgW2go

#25 The New Baby

Image source: TopLoquatz

#26 Never Thought I’d Be A Cat Dad

Image source: BakingThoda

#27 My New Little Guy Is Very Photogenic

Image source: KidTheBorax

#28 Who Would Have Thrown This Perfect Angel Out By My House??? Oh Well. Their Loss, My Gain!!! ?

Image source: Dangerous-Kitchen149

#29 I Already Had My Girlfriend’s Cat Living With Me, But Finally Adopted My Very Own Kitty Cat. Meet Frodo!

Image source: PeterPandaWhacker

#30 Meet Jake & Finn. My Newly Adopted Brothers That Have Stolen My Heart!

Image source: marnibeau

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



adopted, animals, cats, dogs, pets