25 American Dishes That Remain Unfathomable To Outsiders

Published 10 months ago

The culinary landscape of America is as diverse as it is fascinating, with a plethora of unique dishes that reflect the country’s rich history, cultural influences, and penchant for culinary experimentation. However, while many Americans may delight in these gastronomic creations, non-Americans often find themselves scratching their heads in bewilderment at some of the more peculiar offerings.

Recently, a thread on Reddit sparked a fascinating discussion by asking non-Americans to share their views on American foods they find questionable. The responses offered a diverse array of opinions, shedding light on cultural differences and culinary preferences from around the globe. Here, we delve into some of the most intriguing insights shared by Reddit users.

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Image source: rekoja3189, Sandra Cohen-Rose and Colin Rose

A friend visited me from Italy and wanted to try krispy kreme donuts. He took one bite and said “now I understand why Americans are fat!” He made me take him back there twice. Not that I minded going :P


Image source: anon, Bob B. Brown

Those huge big gulp sodas.

Nobody needs that much soda.


Image source: Beneficial_Trainer_5, Reg Tiangha

Whatever sick f**k decided we needed to batter and deep fry sticks of butter needs their mental health checked


Image source: spudboy226, Dave Matos

Spray… cheese??


Image source: weyamav220, Enggal Mukti

I’m sorry but those slices of American cheese have always tasted so fake and plastic to me personally.


Image source: Smart_Pumpkin_8928, vonguard

Corn syrup everywhere.

u/yugosaki replied:
The prevalence of high fructose corn syrup in EVERYTHING. Unfortunately, being in Canada, it’s bleeding over the border as a lot of products here are manufactured in the USA.


Image source: lcg25, Tetiana Bykovets

The chocolate out there is FOUL.

u/mostlikelynotasnail replied:
Ghirardelli, Guittard, Dove, Scharffen Berger, and hundreds of smaller companies are fine. Pretty much just avoid anything you would find near the register at a grocery store.

u/TomomiimomoT replied:
I tried a big-name American chocolate brand once but couldn’t eat it due to the vomit smell and taste.


Image source: me047, Mark Bonica

Orange circus peanuts. What are they? How do they have so much sugar but taste so horrible? What science experiments created them?


Image source: pixgarden, Adam Dachis

Sweet Potato Casserole recipe topped with pecans and marshmallows “traditional side at Thanksgiving table”

u/DonSmo replied:
Marshmallows on sweet potatoes is so gross and foreign to me.


Image source: NerdyMom79, bhofack2

Ambrosia Salad. Yuck.


Image source: HeyNow646, Joy

Mac and cheese where it does not belong. I’m looking at you pizza and burgers.


Image source: UhtredTheCold, Charles Chen

American bread. I’m sure you can get good bread somewhere in the US, but the generally available, sugary, long-shelf-life bread is so appalling.

Now, of course, your export of fast-food restaurants has nothing to do with haute cuisine, but any burger would be so much better if at least you used acceptable bread.


Image source: Neph88, kennejima

Twizzlers, they look like plastic. And tv dinners.


Image source: AstralCat69420, Wright Brand Bacon

Americans tend to like their bacon crispier. As a Canadian, I say chewy bacon for the win.


Image source: 2019Loser, Marco Verch

When they introduced me to Chicago pizza, something in me died. That should not be called pizza — it’s just a devil fat pie.


Image source: Yalaeinhorn2704, notnef

Minnesota salads. like WTF America! crushed pineapples and marshmallows are not ingredients that belong near a salad.


Image source: DefrockedWizard1, citymama

I remember a lime jello tuna salad ring made in a bundt pan by a distant relative. We told her with her work schedule, she shouldn’t bother with bringing food to potlucks.


Image source: nuclear_cyanide, Donna Spearman

Canned things that probably don’t need to be canned.

Looking at you Whole White Potatos in Water.


Image source: Huhu107, Mike Mozart

Twinkies. Wtf is it even made of? In my mind it’s just pure sugar


Image source: mastercubez, BeauGiles

Pb&j had me confused for a while but when i took a bite i loved it. Not judging any other non-americans for not trying this because peanutbutter and jelly aren’t put together in most countries outside of america.


Image source: dewali5580, Bob B. Brown

grits. tried it a few times and I don’t hate it anymore but it’s weird. very weird.


Image source: AT1787, dejaandyroo

Four loko. It’s banned here in Canada and I can understand why.


Image source: No-Vehicle6028, Mike Mozart

Ranch dressing. I once had a pizza in America, and it had ranch dressing on it. Ranch dressing doesn’t really exist in Europe, and it’s this weird, salty, fatty, mayo-like sauce — and it certainly does not belong on a pizza…or inside a human body for that matter.


Image source: weyamav220, Mack Male

As an Australian, I would like to know what in the flying firetruck a “Bloomin’ Onion” has to do with anything, let alone the rest of Outback Steakhouse’s menu.


Image source: FifiLaFifi, Michael Kmak

I find biscuits and gravy to be absolutely disgusting.
But I’d like to counterbalance that by adding how delicious cornbread is and why on earth hasn’t it become a staple here in Europe? It’s SO yummy!

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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American food, food, horrible food, questionable food, unique food, weird food