Artist Illustrates The Most Ridiculous Requests To Work For Free

Published 7 years ago

If you’re a starting artist who is still building up a portfolio, then you’ve probably dealt with clients who expect you to work for free. Well, Toronto-based illustrator and graphic designer, Emmie Tsumura, had enough of these requests so she turned them into an illustration series.

It’s called “For Exposure,” and it was created for the Format Magazine, but originally these illustrations were inspired by the Ryan Estrada’s Twitter account, which has become an endless database of these ridiculous requests, which top each other in absurdity.

Have you dealt with something like this yourself? Then share your stories in the comments!

More info: twitter | instagram (h/t: juxtapoz, format magazine, boredpanda)

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@forexposure_txt, Emmie Tsumura, For Exposure, forexposure, forexposure twitter, format magazine, Ryan Estrada