Australian Cartoonist Makes People Laugh With “Simple Lines Full Of Whimsy” (30 Pics)

Published 3 years ago

Sometimes, little things and simple one-liners are enough to make someone smile. An Australian cartoonist named Pete Joison creates light-hearted comics to bring a touch of happiness to his readers’ lives. His illustrations are simple and cute with a hint of quirky humor.

In an interview with Bored Panda, the artist said, “It might sound trite, but my goal is to just bring a little joy to the world. Knowing that I’ve (hopefully) made a few people smile or laugh when they see my work is all I aim for. Simple lines full of whimsy—is what I’ll pay someone to describe my style one day. I’ve always been inspired by simple comic art. The comics can tell a great big story with just a few lines. Old school comics like Peanuts, Gary Larson, and Garfield, shows like The Simpsons, Ren & Stimpy, and Invader Zim.”

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Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips

The artist revealed in the interview with Bored Panda that he gets inspired by random things and said, I’m inspired by small absurd things, like animal-shaped clouds, funny birds, funnier fungi, why cows moo, old kitchen implements, and my cats, who are also small absurd things. Words inspire me too. Not only novels, and poetry, but the history of words, the way words change, and how humans describe things. And music, of course, music.”


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips

When Bored Panda asked Pete how he gets his ideas, he revealed, “Sometimes it’s overhearing (or mishearing!) what someone says. Or basing the idea on an old fairytale or a bit of history. Mostly it’s playing around with words and situations. I have a mental list of things I won’t do a comic about.”


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips

The Australian artist also shared the challenges that he faces during his creative process in the Bored Panda interview “Enthusiasm. Specifically, keeping the enthusiasm bubbling along. I find if I move onto little side projects for a while (other comics, zines, tie-fighter making, pencil sharpener collecting) I’ll eventually come back to my main comics with more energy.”


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips

In the interview with Bored Panda, the artist also gave some advice to encourage the youngsters to pursue art- “Luckily I had great friends and family who looked at my terrible scratchings and told me they were good, so I never stopped. Always encourage the little artist wannabes in your life.”


Image source: once_we_were_turnips


Image source: once_we_were_turnips

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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artistic, artwork, cartoons, funny, hilarious, Pete Joison, quirky, silly