30 Flawless Executions Of People’s Terrible Ideas Shared To This Online Group (New Pics)

Published 3 years ago

Sometimes we manage to come up with ideas that sound just a tad bit too crazy to actually be executed, and usually just forget about them after a few days. But not everyone. Sometimes people actually manage to turn their crazy ideas into reality, and we can’t help but appreciate their dedication.

The users of the Awful Taste But Great Execution (ATBGE) subreddit are sharing pictures of flawless executions of people’s terrible ideas, and they just might inspire you to execute some of your own. From gold Big Mac chains to cakes that are too lifelike for their own good, check out out all of the things that fit the “awful taste but great execution” category in the gallery below! And if you want more, make sure to read our previous posts here and here!

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#1 This Rug Pattern Carved Into A Hardwood Floor

Image source: reddit.com

#2 Butt Napkins

Image source: reddit.com

#3 Snow Devil

Image source: reddit.com

#4 Asked My Mum For A Bedside Table Lamp For Christmas And Received This Sassy Young Lady

Image source: reddit.com

#5 These Stairs

Image source: reddit.com

#6 I’m Speechless

Image source: Popal24

#7 Tiny T. Rex Arms For Your Chicken

Image source: LadyOfTheLakeMi

#8 Patrick Buddha

Image source: reddit.com

#9 This Skull Carpet

Image source: reddit.com

#10 This Washer And Dryer Set

Image source: parakeetpoop

#11 Furry Mona Lisa…

Image source: salutations247

#12 My Girlfriend’s Grandpa Was An Executive At Mcdonalds A Long Time Ago. He Received This Gift For His Years Of Service. A Solid Gold Big Mac Necklace

Image source: reddit.com

#13 Optical Chillusion

Image source: XanJamZ

#14 Finally Found Something That Belongs Here

Image source: reddit.com

#15 Iridiscent Kitchen Unit

Image source: ShapeShiftingCats

#16 Located At A Bar In Shinjuku, Japan. There Is A Bathroom With A Gaint Head Located Infront Of The Toilet. Activated By The Pressure From The Seat, The Face Sings A Strange Drunken Tune And Slowly Moves Towards You… Making The Room Smaller And Smaller, Until Its Lips ‘Kiss’ Your Knees

Image source: reddit.com

#17 Why Would You Order That Tho


#18 This

Image source: reddit.com

#19 Never Get Lost Again

Image source: reddit.com

#20 I Was Told You Guys Would Like This

Image source: reddit.com

#21 Urinating Dachshund Building Decor

Image source: reddit.com

#22 Spider Cow (In Front Of A $1.9m House)

Image source: Yam_Gang

#23 This Giant Constructed Tree Trunk That’s Sole Purpose Is To House An ATM

Image source: midwifeatyourcervix

#24 This Mask

Image source: _estoico_

#25 This Chair Made Out Of Pigs

Image source: reddit.com

#26 I Think This Makes It A Skullery

Image source: reddit.com

#27 Mr. T-Pot

Image source: reddit.com

#28 This Baby Yoday Toothpaste Dispenser

Image source: reddit.com

#29 Sydney Buses Seat Fabric Suit

Image source: 8 days ago

#30 Spotted In A Ring-Shaming Group On Fb

Image source: BridgottoGelato

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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atbge, Awful Taste But Great Execution, bad ideas, bad ideas great execution, funny, funny designs