This Man Spends $380k On His Collection Of 9 Thousand Dolls, Dresses Them In Toilet Paper

Published 6 years ago

Jian Yang is a man from Singapore and like most of us he has a hobby, which is dressing up dolls in toilet paper. Even though it sounds… weird. This man manages to create incredibly unique designs that we’re sure you would wear if they were real. Jian Yang is already the largest male collector of Barbie dolls in the world. As of today, Yang has 9 thousand dolls in his apartment, according to him, he has spent at least $380.000 dollars on his hobby.

More info: Instagram (h/t)

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Meet Jian Yang, a Singapore-based man who collects dolls

Image source: Coconuts

As of today, Jian Yang has over 9 thousand dolls and their worth more than $380k

Image source: Hype & Stuff

But that’s not all, Yang actually travels with them and creates amazing wedding gowns for them

And these unique designs are made from toilet paper that he founds in hotels

According to Yang himself, he is the largest male collector of Barbie dolls in the world

Image source: Jian Yang

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activity, Barbie, Barbie doll, craft, doll, handicraft, Jonathan K., paper, paper craft, toilet paper, toy