Craftsman Turns A Box Of Coloured Pencils Into Original Ring

Published 10 years ago

When he’s not doing his day job, Peter Brown is a talented woodworker who managed to create a beautiful and original ring from coloured pencils.

Working mainly with wood and metal, Brown recently turned to pencils, exploring the artistic possibilities they offer. He took a box of inexpensive coloured pencils, glued them together and, using a lathe and a table drill, turned them into a comfortably wearable ring. With a touch of lacquer, he had a new, original and glossy wooden ring, rich with all of the colours of the rainbow.

It was a blast to make!” exclaims Brown. “And when I say ‘a blast’, I mean I’m glad I’m done with it.

See the creation process in the pictures and the video below.

More info: Etsy | Reddit | Facebook (h/t: twentytwowords)

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colored pencils, coloured pencils, craft, crafts, hand-made, pencil art, pencils, Peter Brown, ring, ring turning, turning, wood, wood turning, woodcrafting, wooden ring, woodturning, woodworking