20 Photographers Who Were Chosen By The AAP Magazine For Giving A Powerful Tribute To Women All Around The World

Published 2 years ago

The results of the 23rd edition of AAP Magazine’s ‘Women’s Photography Contest’ is here and the pictures are as powerful as ever. The competition is a tribute to women all around the world.

As the AAP magazine revealed on Bored Panda, “The perception of women as a subject has changed over time. Up until the 1960s and ’70s, society saw women only as mothers and wives, confined to a very specific role. Yet, since the dawn of time, they never ceased to transfigure – through their actions or words – our society. From the very beginning of photography, they never relented escaping from the societal norms to question and document the world.” Check out the winning images in the gallery below.

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#1 1st Place Winner: Susanne From The Series Daylight By Susanne Middelberg

Image source: AAP Magazine

“Dancer, actress, photographer. In my portraits, I am looking for honesty and vulnerability. I believe that vulnerability makes us nicer human beings and that this makes the world a little more friendly and more understanding. People who show themselves vulnerable give the other the confidence that they themselves may be who they are. I am most fascinated when I can see opposite qualities of a person at the same moment.”

#2 2nd Place Winner: Arrangement In Green And Black #10 From The Series ‘Arrangement In Green And Black,’ Portrait Of The Photographer’s Mother By Aline Smithson

Image source: AAP Magazine

“This series had serendipitous beginnings. I found a print of Whistler’s painting, and it started me thinking about the genre of portraiture, the strong compositional relationships going on within Whistler’s painting, and the evocative nature of unassuming details. The series is printed in silver gelatin yet becomes richer with the treatment of hand painting. My patient 85-year-old mother posed in over 20 ensembles, but unfortunately passed away before seeing the finished series.”

#3 3rd Place Winner: Ranch Sage From The Series ‘Natural Order’ By Maura Allen

Image source: AAP Magazine

#4 American Beauty From The Series ‘Nod Of Recognition’ By Jane Levine

Image source: AAP Magazine

#5 Babushka From The Series ‘Russian Fairy Tales’ By Frank Herfort

Image source: AAP Magazine

“Babushka Aleksandra, at the home of her daughter Elena at a village between Saint Petersburg and Moscow, near the city of Bologoye. Aleksandra warms up and wears the famous or typical Russian Valenki, felt boots.”

#6 Paris 2021 From The Series ‘Women Are Still Beautiful’ By Giuseppe Cardoni

Image source: AAP Magazine

“Tribute to Gary Winogrand.”

#7 Ruby Red From The Series ‘Selfhood’ By Vicky Martin

Image source: AAP Magazine

“Ruby Red is taken from the series Selfhood, The female characters in this series search for a sense of independent identity crafted through outward appearance and signalled through dress and posture, challenging the traditional assessment of character made via eye contact. Each image contains its own distinctive narrative, separate from the other photographs in the series, connected only through the motif of disguised eyes.”

#8 ISIS Mother From The Series ‘Women Of Islamic State’ By Lenka Klicperová

Image source: AAP Magazine

“When the Kurdish troops liberated the capital of Caliphate Raqqa, I finally met them – women who in a special way frightened and fascinated the world. Women of Islamic State fighters, the wives of the most dangerous men on this planet. They crossed the front lines, some died also with their children. Some of them survived. They were detained in camp Ain Issa near Raqqa, Syria’s. Surrounded by their enemies – Kurds.”

#9 Makiko Sugawa From The Series ‘Maze Of Metamorphosis’ By Silvia Alessi

Image source: AAP Magazine

“Makiko Sugawa is an artist, an illustrator. Because of a cancer, she lost her left leg completely, well above the knee. And in fact, her prosthesis must be tied to her waist with a belt. She knows that clothes and fashion can have a big impact on how a woman feels about herself. So if a woman with a disability can be “stylish”, other girls in the same condition can follow her example. This conviction led her to parade on the catwalks using Fumio Usui’s splendid creations.”

#10 Sophia With Roses From The Series ‘Ode To Beauty’ By Pat Rose

Image source: AAP Magazine

“Studio portrait with natural light.”

#11 Hands On Chest From The Series ‘Growing Old’ By Marna Clarke

Image source: AAP Magazine

#12 Julie T’s Feet From The Series ‘Embrasure’ By Julie Fowells

Image source: AAP Magazine

“Julie Tolentino is a modern dancer/performance artist. These are her feet.”

#13 Creative Growth From The Series ‘Noisy Brain’ By Sandra Klein

Image source: AAP Magazine

“I consider this diptych a portrait of how I create my imagery. I begin with a spark of an idea and obsessively develop it.”

#14 Milla From The Series ‘Women In The Flow’ By Lisen Stibeck

Image source: AAP Magazine

#15 Green Dress From The Series ‘Conversations With Myself’ By Jo Ann Chaus

Image source: AAP Magazine

#16 June At Hasenheide From The Series ‘German Youth’ By Aaron Deppe

Image source: AAP Magazine

#17 Lost In Thought From The Series ‘About Women’ By Andrea Torrei

Image source: AAP Magazine

“Dire Dawa, Ethiopia 2019.”

#18 Shima From The Series ‘Neopictorialist ‘ By Francis Willey

Image source: AAP Magazine

#19 Reindeer Moss, Cumberland Island From The Series ‘Land Of The Yaupon Holly’ By Anne Berry

Image source: AAP Magazine

“Cumberland Island, 2019, from Land of the Yaupon Holly.”

#20 Sister Maria Grazia From The Series ‘Habito’ By Monica Testa

Image source: AAP Magazine

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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AAP magazine, beautiful women, photography, photos, women photographers