Internet Reacts To Brits Panicking Over A Little Snow In A Very Creative Way

Published 6 years ago

So, you may have heard that last week a storm named ‘Emma’ and a freezing wind named ‘Beast from the East’ have reached Britain but not everyone thought that it is as terrible as Brits were saying. Even though after a snowstorm country looked absolutely amazing and everyone ran to the streets to take some pictures, it has been reported that there was a lot of chaos in the country, like canceled trains and closed schools.

But since these updates about the weather in Britain have surfaced the Internet, people started comparing actual images of winter all around the world mocking Britain from its dramatic reaction to a little bit of snow. Scroll down to see what the Internet has to say about a winter in Britain!


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Image source: MeanwhileinCana


Image source: jevakallio


Image source: codename_B


Image source: muftimads


Image source: AbiLaker


Image source: Matt Bromwich ‏


Image source: tonysheps


Image source: DeRozenDntCare


Image source: akaPyro


Image source: EnzoNRossi

Rugile Matuseviciute

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boris johnson, Britain, cold, make fun of brits, mock, snow, uk, wrong type of snow