Buddhist & Taoist Philosophies Dissected and Visualized by Danish Artist/Designer

Published 9 years ago

The Vortex Art Poster collection is build on the contrasts of life and the relationship of said contrasts. The result is unquestionably beautiful. Fit for most homes with it’s dynamic use of constrast that would see it fit within an eclectic home of diverse colors as well as homes more restrained in decoration style.

The creator writes this about the project:

“The Vortex collection is a series of 12 art posters.

The essence of the Vortex is in its opposites that is at once paradoxal and complimentary.

It is Yggdrasill the ash of life spreading it’s tendril roots intermittently blending with the threads of fate as spun by the Norns, in a big bang that both expand and suck you in through an almost circadian rhythm.

A complex dervish dance of yin and yang, seething and tearing at it’s own circumference in its constant & balanced paradox. A form of complementary wisdom but also a dementia of almost hallucinogenic properties.

Amorphous & absent of value, yet loaded with subtext as a mandala where the deity in the center is none other than the viewer, filling this tabula rasa with a subjective meandering emotional substance.

The intervalistic Samsaran cycle of death & life as interpreted through a stylized Ouroboros, primal and everlasting.

It is sun & moon, positive & negative, circular & linear, simple & complex, black & white, temporal & endless, void & creation, static & dynamic.”

The poster collection is currently looking for funding on kickstarter, where you can help this project into reality. It looks to be shipping in time for Christmas.
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art, black, Buddhism, collection, decoration, design, fashion, hinduism, Jung, Kickstarter, poster, print, symbolic, taoism, white, yang, yin