Artist Creates Jewelry For Cancer Patients From Hair Lost To Chemotherapy

Published 9 years ago

Cancer is a huge problem, to put it lightly. Luckily for us, it isn’t always a death sentence, though the healing process has some nasty side effects. Sybille Paulsen tries to help women on chemotherapy by transforming their lost hair into necklaces. Called “The Tangible Truth”, this project meshes well with Sybille’s fascination with hair as an art material and the needs of affected women. The hair part is quite prominent in the pieces, a gentle reminder of what has been (temporarily) lost.

“For my project Tangible Truths women who undergo chemotherapy leave their hair to me to transform it into a unique and personal piece of art. The title addresses the diverse experiences which are collected during this time. ” Sybil writes on the project page. And the hair necklaces are a very symbolic reminder of that period. Losing a mane of luxurious flowing hair is quite noticeable and regrettable, no matter the circumstances.

And this project helps turn that loss into something positive.

As a bonus, we have included some of the other hair jewelry pieces, too.

More info: | FacebookInstagram | Pintrest (h/t: museperk)

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Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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cancer patient hair jewelry, chemo, chemotherapy, chemotherapy hair, full-post, hair jewelry, hand-made, jewelry, Sybille Paulsen, Tangible Truths