Energy Addicts: Jewelry That Plugs Into Your Veins To Generate Power From Your Blood
Israeli graduate student Naomi Kizhner came up with a rather dark and bizarre concept design for three jewelry pieces that are meant to be plugged into the wearer’s veins and generate mechanical power from their blood. The three invasive pieces of jewelry – Blinker, Blood Bridge, and Pulse Conductor – would use the wearer’s movements, blinks, and blood flow to make the little wheels inside of them turn, generating an all-natural electricity.
The project, called “Energy Addicts,” is only a concept, though certainly a thought-provoking one. Kizhner commented on the beautifully disturbing design idea to Cosmopolitan; “I wanted to provoke the thought about how far will we go to in order to ‘feed’ our addiction in the world of declining resources.”
Would you go to such measures in order to always have energy stored for your phone?
More info: naomikizhner.com (h/t: iflscience, thehigherlearning, haaretz)
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