23-Year-Old Draws Herself In 50 Different Cartoon Styles, And The Results Are Incredibly Good

Published 6 years ago

Drawing is already hard as it is and not many of us are proud of our artistic skills, but imagine being so good at drawing that you can draw in any style you want? Well, stepping out of your artistic comfort zone is definitely a useful practice for any artist, and that’s exactly what a 24-year-old Sam Skinner thought. She challenged herself to draw a self-portrait in 50 popular cartoon styles and the results are incredible!

“I decided to do the challenge because I’ve seen so many people do it online and was absolutely inspired by them,” Sam told Bored Panda. “Doing this project was simply to help me become more familiar with doing graphic/digital design. That being said, a few of the characters in the style challenge are definitely more original than others, mostly because this was simply a project for me to practice digital line work, so a few came out looking like a basic re-colorization of a character which already exists.” According to her, the toughest images were Tim Burton’s, Gorillazz’ and Archer’s but we can guarantee that the result is truly incredible.

Scroll down to see Skinner’s work yourself!

More info: Instagram | Twitter (h/t)

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24-year-old Sam Skinner decided to take her drawing skills to the next level

She challenged herself to draw her self-portrait in 50 popular cartoon styles


Image source: Sam Skinner ‏


Image source: Sam Skinner ‏


Image source: Sam Skinner ‏


Image source: Sam Skinner ‏


Image source: Sam Skinner ‏


Image source: Sam Skinner ‏


Image source: Sam Skinner ‏


Image source: Sam Skinner ‏

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cartoon challenge, cartoon styles challenge, famous cartoon styles, popular cartoon styles, Sam Skinner