Colin Creevey From Harry Potter Is Now A Photographer And Here Are His 20 Best Shots
Remember Colin Creevey from Harry Potter? The little guy who always flashed his camera at everyone’s face in Hogwarts? He grew up to become a professional photographer in real life. Hugh Mitchell fell into love with photography when he was very young as his father was a photographer too. In an interview with PetPixel, he says, “I think getting a camera into your hands when you’re a kid can play a big role but I didn’t get serious about it as a hobby until a few years ago when it became all about landscapes and the way photography marries up so well with a passion for the outdoors, a bug I also had.”
After acting in Harry Potter, he continued working as an actor and appeared in various TV shows and movies. Mitchell also had a few side jobs and hobbies, and photography was one of them. Eventually, he decided to become a full-time professional photographer. As Mitchell told PetaPixel, “I’m now a full-time photographer shooting landscapes, headshots, weddings, and a smattering of product photography. It’s also unpredictable to a degree, but I’m much more in control, there’s tons of variation and I get to meet some really cool people.”
Here are 20 breathtaking pictures captured by Hugh Mitchell.
More info: hughmitchell.co.uk | Instagram
Image souce: Instagram
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Image souce: Instagram
Image souce: Instagram
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Image souce: Instagram
Image souce: Instagram
Image souce: Instagram
Image souce: Instagram
Image souce: Instagram
Image souce: Instagram
Image souce: Instagram
Image souce: hughmitchell.co.uk
Image souce: Instagram
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