5 New Silent Narratives By Ademar Vieira That Touch On The Ills Of Our Society
If you are not new to Demilked, you might recognize this artist from our previous posts (links below). For those still unfamiliar, let us introduce you to the master of visual storytelling Ademar Vieira.
Ademar Vieira is a Brazilian illustrator, journalist, and screenwriter who uses silent comics to illustrate sad reality and deep-rooted issues in our society. Artist has recently posted new silent narratives that touch some of the most relative and sensitive matters concerning the world today. In his illustration, Ademar brought up the refugee crisis, destruction of nature, and the most recent event that shocked the world – the war, or as the artist called, the Nightmare, in Ukraine. Take a look at how Ademar uses silent narratives to convey the wrongs of our society.
As mentioned earlier, Demilked has featured Ademark’s heartfelt illustrations before. Take a peek at our previous posts here, here, here, and here.
#1 “Nightmare”
Image credits: ademar__vieira
“Today, the world is witnessing what seems like the return of a nightmare from the past, but which for many people in poor countries is a very current reality. For the victims of war, there is no right or wrong side, there is nothing that justifies barbarity, that’s why this strip is called ‘Nightmare’,” the artist wrote on his social media.
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
#2 “Refugees”
Image credits: ademar__vieira
“After my last strip, I was charged by some people who, I believe, were thinking that I was just talking about the Ukraine war because it’s a European country. Well, those who follow my work more closely know that I am not an eurocentrist and those who bought my book have already seen this strip called “Refugees” and it deals with the conflict in Syria and its consequences,” the artist wrote on his social media.
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
#3 “Which one do you prefer?”
Image credits: ademar__vieira
“Brazil needs to change its choices and redirect its bets. Continuing to invest billions in the current agricultural model that transforms forests into pastures and into green deserts of poisoned grain monoculture only aggravates the social, environmental and climate crises.
The solution? Yes, it exists! Strengthen family farming and agroecology, systems that produce real food in partnership with nature, free from poisons and generating jobs and income for people. That’s what I try to show in this strip,” wrote Ademar Vieira.
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
#4 “The Advance”
Image credits: ademar__vieira
“Forests in Brazil have been under intense exploitation and destruction in the past years to attend to the demands of the international market. This ‘development’ and many environmental crimes have a higher price than the so-called progress. This story is called The Advance,” wrote the author.
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
#5 “The Rescue”
Image credits: ademar__vieira
“This is a strip I made for @greenpeacebrasil and it’s called “The Rescue”. It is a tribute to firefighters, veterinarians and biologists who are at the forefront of burning in Brazil, dealing with the frustration and sadness of not being able to save all the animals. For them, all lives matter,” the author wrote on his social media.
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
Image credits: ademar__vieira
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