25 People Share The One Cost-Cutting Habit That Saved Them Big Bucks

Published 6 months ago

Most of us work to maintain our quality of life. But at the same time, if there was a way to save money while living our best life who wouldn’t want to get in on that? Maybe those extra bucks could go towards saving for that big trip abroad, or maybe it can contribute towards a necessary purchase. 

Whatever it may be, if you’re looking to adopt some habits that will save you money, you’re in the right place. According to real people who tried and tested these cost-cutting habits, these are the best ways to keep your budget on point. 

More info: Reddit 1 | Reddit 2 

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#1 This sounds counter-intuitive but giving myself permission to spend the extra money on semi-prepared fresh foods has actually saved me money.

Image source: MrsHyacinthBucket, Miles Metcalfe

Examples include buying bagged coleslaw mix instead of having to grate cabbage and carrots, fresh pineapple chunks, marinated ready-to-cook chicken, etc. I am less inclined to stop and get food on the way home from work if I know I can just throw some tasty chicken in the airfryer and stir some dressing into the slaw mix. I actually eat more fruit and veg this way because most of the work is done.

#2 Never, ever, ever carry a balance from month to month on a credit card.

Image source: tommysmuffins, Pixabay

#3 Cutting out soda from my diet. I love Sprite more than most people love their favorite food, which is why I can’t have it around. Saves money on groceries, going out to eat, less dentist visits, and is probably the easiest way to prevent gaining weight.

Image source: xtra_obscene, Craig Adderley

#4 I didn’t have a kid. Or worse, kids.

I bring my own lunch to work. I used to eat at one of the building cafes three or four times a week. Now I bring my own food. That’s probably saved me $1800 in two years.

Which is A Lot when you’re low income.

One is accidental – I moved somewhere there was no fast food within 20 minutes of my house, and none on my route home from work. Cut down on my impulse spending at fast food places a lot.

Image source: Meghanshadow

#5 Cooking and baking from scratch.

Image source: thetarantulaqueen, Vlada Karpovich

#6 Using the library. It is free and is one of the last sanctuaries we can go to without an expectation to pay for a service or our time there. It’s been a boon both financially and mentally.

Image source: Quickstep3138, Polina Zimmerman

#7 Buy a Toyota, pay it off quickly, keep up with maintenance, drive till the wheels fall off.

Image source: volneyave, revac film’s&photography

#8 I don’t allow myself to buy anything unless I am willing to let something go. Goes along with my anti-clutter and anti-consumerism.

Image source: Momentofclarity_2022, Alexandra Maria

#9 I make sure I REALLY want something before I purchase it, especially if the purchase exceeds $100.

Image source: In-Out-Up-Down-5280, Craig Adderley

I see something I like or want in a store (or even online), I have to leave it behind and think about it for a minimum of 24 hours, but usually a week, before I purchase it. It helps me from making impulse purchases, avoid targeted marketing / moments of weakness and it also helps me from consume consume consuming. Most of the time, I don’t really want the thing I feel compelled to purchase in the moment.

#10 Being very careful about what auto-renew or subscription services I have. Not to say I have no services, I’m just very careful to not put things on autopay.

Image source: Loose-Scientist-2916, cottonbro studio

Honestly a lot of folks have services they don’t use or only use a few of the features. i try to pay things in full so I can just not renew the next year if i decide im done with the service . I will also check my existing services and see if they offer what I want. Or I just do without. With everything becoming a subscription these days I try super hard to have as few as possible!

#11 Buy the high-quality version of the thing (even if it’s more expensive) and take good care of it. I’ve wasted so much money buying and replacing cheap c**p.

Image source: BeeLuv, Mathias Reding

#12 What I eat for the week depends on what is on sale at the grocery stores that week. Sure I might buy some things at regular price but a majority of my big ticket food like meat and produce are purchased on sale. I have tried so many different recipes and different kinds of produce that I would not have ever thought to try before simply because of this habit.

Image source: crazycanadianferret, Pixabay

#13 Basic maintenance and repairs of your home, car, belongings. Becoming a handyman takes only repetition of doing the basics around your home. You’ll save a lot of money knowing how to do the quick and easy things rather than having to call someone.

Image source: trobsmonkey, Ksenia Chernaya

#14 Being semi vegetarian. My parents were big meat eaters so eating for me was expensive, but I found if I bought more veggies and just bought smaller portions of better quality meat, I could not only eat better but also lose weight!

Image source: SIlver_McGee, Mike Jones

#15 I’ve gotten in the habit of remembering prices. I can’t say I have a super memory, but after buying the same thing at the same store 50 times, it seems to stick in my brain. This helps because if I’m at a different store, I can usually tell if their price is better than my regular grocery store. Obviously I can’t remember every price, jy I can on the items I buy frequently.

Image source: notreallylucy, Michael Burrows

#16 For online shopping, leave it in the cart. If you come back to it multiple times and think “yes I need/want that,” get it. Most of the time it’s not necessary and I’ll remove it or orphan the cart.

Image source: tege0005, cottonbro studio

#17 Reduce, reuse, repair, recycle.

Image source: SnooLentils1438, cottonbro studio

#18 Learning things.

Image source: DrunkenSeaBass, Anete Lusina

Most people pay for things because they are not willing to learn how to do them themselves.

Specialy now that we have the internet, a compendium of all human knowledge accessible to our fingertip, learning as never been easier.

It can be any topic. Cooking, butchering, woodworking, 3d design and printing, programming, electronic board soldering, gardening. Learning is an investment in yourself that will always be a net benefit in the future. Even if it doesnt help you financialy, it make your more dependable and reliable which is an asset to your friend and family, but also to you. Even if you dont know enough to do something professionaly, in case of ermergency you can do enough to limit the damage. The difference between a pipe bursting that was capped within 15 minute and one that burst and you had to wait for a plumber to cap it is very substantial.

#19 Empty room? Turn the lights off.

Image source: badpuffthaikitty, Steve Johnson

#20 Using a budget app so that all my “meaningless” purchases that I have to enter a) make me feel like the a*****e I’m being towards myself and b) they literally add up.

Image source: anon, Greta Hoffman

#21 Bringing my own lunch. I’ve saved approximately $35k over my 12 yr career by not going out to eat daily while at work.

Image source: readsalotman, Karolina Kaboompics

#22 Frozen food. My husband and I both have very long days. We were stuck on the idea of making our own food for a long time but it never worked cause we had to make it from scratch. Once we changed to frozen food we started eating at home more. It’s not the cheapest option but it saves US money. So we’re happy about it :).

Image source: datfumbgirl, Muhammed A. Mustapha

#23 Clearing out my pantry every half/quarter year.

Image source: littlelazybee, Annie Spratt

I love buying in bulk or when something is on clearance. I have the bad habit of forgetting what I own.

So I have fixed “clearance months” where I’m only allowed to buy fresh produce from the farmers market. Everything else needs to come from the pantry.

It’s a great way to clear the freezers from vegetables and pre-cooked meals and actually using up all my dried beans, lentils and rice.

I have a special diary and track what I liked to eat or wich products where the most versatile (rolled oats= home made oatmilk, cookies and overnight oats for example).

#24 Pay in cash when I’m hanging with friends. Automatically limits my drinking and spending to what’s in my pocket.

Image source: 321applesauce, cottonbro studio

#25 Taking the bus. I work on a university campus and parking passes are ~$200/semester. I also save on gas since I only drive on the weekends.

Image source: Maddy_egg7, cottonbro studio

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

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cost cutting, cost-effective, Frugal, frugal habits, save money