20 Creative Maps That Will Teach You Something New About The World Shared By This Instagram Account

Published 2 years ago

In the age of visual communication, visual content plays a significant role in every part of life. According to research, 65% of the population are visual learners, meaning they comprehend and remember things by sight. Information, communicated using a whiteboard, projecting maps and images, is retained in the brain more easily. Therefore, the visual learning style is often used worldwide in schools and higher education institutions. Even media organizations use illustrated material, such as charts and infographics, to inform the public, as it’s a universal and fool-proof way to share information.

Instagram page CEO of Geography uses maps to convey information about the countries in a fun and engaging way. This Instagram account finds the most compelling and fun facts for comparison between the countries. Have you ever seen a map distinguishing countries that prefer to eat fries with ketchup vs. mayonnaise? Neither have I.

For all geography lovers and random facts enthusiasts, take a look at Demilked‘s selection of the most inventive maps from the page. Have you learned something new? Let us know in the comments.

More info: Instagram

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#1 This Post Shows Which Countries Europeans Joke The Most About. The Flag On The Country Shows The Country They Joke The Most About

Image source: loverofgeography

#2 This Post Shows The Scariest Things In European Countries Obviously It’s Not Meant To Be Taken Serious

Image source: loverofgeography

#3 This Post Shows Where Americans Pressed

Image source: loverofgeography

#4 This Post Shows The Conflict Between Ukraine And Russia Which We Of Course All Have Heard About Recently

Image source: loverofgeography

#5 This Post Shows The Countries That Have Taken “Eat The Rich” Very Seriously

Image source: loverofgeography

In 1672 The Dutch crowds did what crowds do best, namely lose all semblance of sense or sanity. The prime minister of the country was stripped naked, mutilated, and according to some reports, had their livers removed and eaten by the crowds. “C’est la vie, c’est la guerre,” as the French say.

#6 This Post Shows Some Cities From Different Countries From Above

Image source: loverofgeography

#7 This Post Shows What The French Language Sounds Like According To Europeans Based On A Pollhow Is The Test Done

Image source: loverofgeography

#8 This Post Shows The Average Age Women Get Married In Europe. Based On Data From 2019-2021

Image source: loverofgeography

#9 This Post Shows The Countries That Are The Opposite Of Each Other When It Comes To Random Aspects In 2021

Image source: loverofgeography

#10 This Post Shows What Traditional Breakfasts Around The World Typically Are Sweet vs. Salty

Image source: loverofgeography

#11 This Post Shows The Sport People Do The Most For Fun Or Basically Is One The Most Popular Sports To Do In That Country (Football/Soccer Not Included) Otherwise This Would Be A Boring

Image source: loverofgeography

#12 This Post Shows What Traditional Houses Look Like In Different Countries

Image source: loverofgeography

#13 This Post Shows Which Country Europeans Think Has On Average The Most Attractive Citizens. Based On Polls On 1000 People Per Country

Image source: loverofgeography

#14 This Post Shows The Air Quality Of Europe In From Statistics Based On 2010-2021

Image source: loverofgeography

#15 This Post Shows The Coldest Temperatures In Celsius That Have Ever Been Measured. Note That The Russian Temperature Was Measured In Siberia Asia

Image source: loverofgeography

#16 This Post Shows Which One Was Searched More In 2021 In Each Country

Image source: loverofgeography

#17 This Post Shows The Legal Status Of Homosexuality Around The World In 2022

Image source: loverofgeography

#18 This Post Shows At What Age Europeans Leave Their Nest On Average In 2021

Image source: loverofgeography

#19 This Post Shows How People Around The World Prefer Their French Fries To Be Eaten

Image source: loverofgeography

#20 This Post Shows How Much Snow Does It Take For Schools To Be Cancelled Estimated

Image source: loverofgeography

Violeta Lyskoit

Violeta is one free soul. She feels the most alive when traveling to new places and seeing the beautiful world out there.

Got wisdom to pour?



CEO of Geography, infographic maps, Instagram page CEO of Geography, interesting country facts, interesting facts, interesting geographic facts, learning styles, loverofgeography, maps as infographics, random country facts, visual learning