Artist Hand-Paints Shoes With Calvin And Hobbes, Pink Floyd, And Other Pop Culture Designs
The artist behind Lace Out Studios creates cool custom-made shoes with pop culture-inspired designs. The artist covers blank leisure shoes and sneakers with the adventures of Calvin and Hobbes, or iconic images and album designs from rock icons like Pink Floyd and The Beatles.
If it were up to you, what kind of pop culture-inspired design would you choose to have on your shoes?
More info: Facebook (h/t: crimfightr)
Got wisdom to pour?
I like all of these, but you might want to double check your map. Cornwall is next to Devon and definitely not in continental Europe! Also, you seem to have labelled Wales as Chester…
What kind of paint?
I LOVE these! I’d definitely buy a pair. My dream pair would be a White Stripes pair: a signature red and white candy kinda look. Now that’d be cool!
I would looooove a pair of the Calvin and Hobbes shoes! It is amazing how gifted some people are. Great job!
Pink Floyd covers rock.
Great work.
looks awesome
Love the last two
Call me crazy but I think violating the wishes of the original artist is disrespectful. (This is in regards to Bill Waterson’s work)
It’s important to note that in the spirit of and in respect to Mr. Watterson – no depictions of Calvin & Hobbes or for sale. Those are gifts for personal friends only.
Is giving away C&H shoes in return for page shares/likes not like selling them?