This Is What Happens When You Put Dogs In A Photo Booth
Photographer Lynn Terry found out that placing two pit bulls in a photo booth is not a bad idea at all. With perfect timing, she managed to capture something really special – Bumper showed her affection for her friend Willis by licking him. This first photograph was shared thousands of times on social media.
Bumper was rescued from a dog fighter by the Mutts n Stuff pet shelter while Willis was born to a rescued dog that was one out of 500 dogs saved from a dog fighting ring bust in the summer of 2009, which was the biggest in the U.S.
The fun process and the popularity of the results of the first photo booth session inspired her to continue the project and capture more photo booth romances with other dogs.
Here are the beautiful images she got – they’re simply priceless!
Source: lynnterry.com | Mutts n Stuff | via: Huffington Post
Got wisdom to pour?
What kind of dog is this she/he is ABSOLUTLEY BEAUTIFAL …LOOK AT THOES EYES♥
Daryl Hannah from Blade Runner ;)
Darel hanna from blade runner whattt I just want to know what thw mix is or isnit a purebred syberian husky im sorry I ocfended u I husr have nevdrf seen thoes markjngs on a syberian huskh
its a pomski its a mix between a Pomeranian and a husky they dont get much bigger than that
:) aso
i think you party poopers should just shut the hell up and enjoy the photography. its because of you annoying, arogant, ignorant, unsatisfied people that we cant have nice things. these dogs are just so adorable it doesnt matter if the pictures are flipped or not. GOD.
Good grief Secret, chill out before you give yourself a coronary!
Wow. So someone posting here somehow stops you from enjoying the pictures?
You should look in the mirror, we are not your problem, YOU ARE.
Who is John Galt?
Who says that he or she isn’t enjoying the photos? He or she isn’t enjoying YOU and your retarded notions of the world, you dumbass…
If you look down the comments about the dogs being flipped weren’t negative what so ever, He/She is completly overreacting to nothing. He/She is being irrational and is ruining this post not them.
No, It U
Haha, people still like ayn rand’s garbage?
Yes, there are still rational people in the world.
LOL sounds like you’re just jealous that she became a famous, bestselling author while you’re still working a 9-to-5 minimum wage job as a forever-anonymous blue-collar drone.
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
Only garbage here is you…
No Jon Galt! YOU are the problem. Learn some civility! Oh wait, you still are living with your Mommy in the basement, huh?
I want to poop in your mouth.
Those are obviously just stuffed animals. Fake.
they not stuffed animals dumbo
they not stuffed animals dumbo
Just adore those little staffies. These are so cute.
Mee too! They have the best smiles in the world!
The image can’t be flipped. Look at the markings on each dog… Come on people.
Tongues everywhere!
How the heck did they switch sides?
No one who has learnef the secret of Dog Magick has bern allowed to live.
The image was probably just flipped
No, the spots on the dogs’ necks and faces indicate that none of the images were flipped.
Did they glue their paws to the floor of said photobooth?
staples lol
Yes, I was wondering the same thing. I don’t think my dogs would have cooperated for the photographer.
My Beloved Boxer Miss Abbi would sit for these pic’s to be taken no doubt. There was one time when I was at a Laundry Mat where she stood right by the big window like a statue people would laugh only to find out she was alive so Yes animals will pose L :)
These are probably just a handful of the best photos from hundreds of shoots. I highly doubt any of the four images grouped above were from one photobooth sequence.
So what, party pooper. It doesn’t change a thing.
Jesus…do you have trouble tying your shoes in the morning, too?
it’s just a curtain set up. not a photobooth like at an arcade
do you not own dogs?
My guess is, not entirely gracefully. :)
Better than most dog photographers!
Look at those tongues. Love me some dogs.