30 Funny And Adorable Pictures Of Animal Parents With Their Babies

Published 2 years ago

We have published many articles showing the struggles of parenthood before. And it’s no surprise that humans go through so many emotions when raising a child. But we are not the only beings who get to experience the perks and struggles of parenthood– animals go through similar experiences. So today we have gathered some pictures of animals showing that some experiences are universal.

A Twitter user tweeted a picture of a cat family recently and said, “One of my favorite very specific image genres is cats that look completely unprepared for the realities of parenthood”, and people started sharing more images of animal families in the thread. Check out some of the most adorable and funny animals being parents in the gallery below.

More info: Twitter

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#1 Let’s Go Dad

Image source: AzorAhai69

#2 The Joys Of Motherhood

Image source: Valens

#3 Kids

#4 Baby Sheep Sleeping On Its Mother

Image source: DD1234567

#5 Dad Passed Out After A Long Day With The Kids

Image source: Марина Фомичева

#6 The Joy Of Motherhood

Image source: aerrorfree

#7 Have Kids They Said

Image source: theincredibullz.or

#8 “Of All The Places He Could Sleep On, It Just Had To Be My Head”

Image source: NutritionStrength

#9 Six-Week-Old Leopard Cub Jumping On Its Mother In The Okavango Delta In Botswana

Image source: suzieszterhas

#10 Imitation Expert

Image source: camymilla

#11 Mama Brown Bear Snuggling With Her Cubs

#12 Momma’s Tail

Image source: sidshembekar

#13 Oh God, Make It Stop

Image source: Ticklebiscuit

#14 Baby Iguana Hanging Out With Its Mom

Image source: enderariias

#15 Mommy’s Asleep, Time To Party

Image source: Aramgutang

#16 Send Help

Image source: CYBERSson

#17 Mom And Baby. Pure Happiness

Image source: danielbenitez1990

#18 Cosy Cat’s Family

Image source: ComfortableWash430

#19 The Apple Doesn’t Fall Too Far From The Tree

Image source: HMfly

#20 Sleep

Image source: Adam_Lewis243

#21 Wake Up

Image source:  i-c-e

#22 Mama Cat Is The Best Cat Bed Ever

Image source: SWIMxGOD

#23 Fatherhood

Image source: iam_thehulk

#24 When You Find Out You’re Pregnant

Image source: NoctuaMasterRace

#25 Pretending To Be His Mother

#26 A Stray Cat Decided To Bring Its Kitten Into My House Today. The Kitten Was Extremely Aggressive But The Mom Was Surprisingly Chill

Image source: SecretIdentity_

#27 Send Help

Image source: Марина Фомичева

#28 Caught This At My Parents’ House. Just Cruizin’ With Mama

Image source: cheesybstrd

#29 A Definition Of Parenthood In A Picture

Image source: what-whhhaaaaattttt

#30 Four Criminals Attack A Helpless Cat

Image source: fiftynineminutes

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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animal parenting, animal parents, animals, cute, cute animal, funny, funny animals