19-Year-Old Started Drawing Dark Comics Only A Few Months Ago, And He’s Already Brilliant At It

Published 7 years ago

Only a few months back Dino Čujko was just a simple 19-year-old Croatian guy, but now he can call himself an illustrator with a rapidly growing fan base. All thanks to his newly discovered talent for creating these hilariously dark comics.

“I started doing these a few months ago and gathered a special little audience that keeps me motivated and creative enough to make something whenever I get some free time,” he told Bored Panda.

And his attitude towards the comics is just as careless and funny as the comics themselves: “Poor comics and even worse jokes… what more do you need in life?” he writes on his Instagram.

Take a look yourself, and let us know in the comments, which one suits your twisted sense of humor best!

More info: facebook | instagram (h/t)

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#1 Family First

#2 Hell…

#3 A Request

#4 A Spinner

#5 Major Tom

#6 A Robot

#7 Positivity

#8 Charlie The Crazy Cat Lady

#9 True Love

#10 Trust Me… It’s Fine

#11 A Special Day

#12 Healthy Life

#13 A Fever

#14 Modern Art

#15 Pimple-Head Ted

#16 A Charity

#17 Epiphany

#18 A Visit

#19 Helping

#20 A Rock

#21 Deep Space

#22 Mistake

#23 Surgery

#24 A Musician

#25 A Mirror

#26 Giants

#27 That Guy

#28 Poor Steve

#29 Le Button

#30 Emotions


In cahoots with the secret orde...
With nobody. In cahoots with nobody.

Got wisdom to pour?



comics, dark, dark comics, Dino Čujko, funny, funny comics, humor, unexpected endings, webcomic