Tragic Photographs of Parents Giving Their Last Goodbye to their Lost Babies
Few things break the parent’s hearth as loss of an infant or still birth. So much grief, and yet no one right way to grieve. So these families have chosen a solemn and beautiful way to do it: they immortalize the lives that could have been by taking family photos with their lost infants.
A non-profit named Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep trains and supports photographers from around the world “to provide beautiful heirloom portraits to families facing the untimely death of an infant.“ Over the last 10 years, 30,000 families have requested their grim services. A total of 1,650 volunteers work for the company in both the U.S. and 40 other countries around the world.
Cheryl Haggard and photographer Sandy Puc are the founders of the organization. Puc helped Cheryl and Mike Haggard when she photographed the brief life and death of Maddux Achilles Haggard, who was born with a condition called myotubular myopathy.
More info: nowilaymedowntosleep.com | Facebook | Twitter (h/t: boredpanda)
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