Artist Recreates Disney Stills By Digitally Painting On Top Of Them

Published 10 years ago

Digital artist and illustrator Tyson Murphy used his extensive experience as a digital illustrator to recreate stills from classical Disney cartoons. His digitally enhanced shots from “101 Dalmatians” and “The Sword in the Stone” look as if they were taken from modern 3D cartoons. With this contemporary touch, Murphy pays respect to the classics, leaving their essence undisturbed.

Murphy is a professional illustrator currently working as a character creator at Blizzard Entertainment, which is responsible for epically successful videogame series like Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo, as well as the MMORPG World of Warcraft.

Source: Blogspot | Tumblr | Deviantart | Instagram

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101 Dalmatians

The Sword In The Stone

Murphy draws creative characters in his free time:

Murphy also created this beautiful short comic about his son Max, who has Autism, as a Christmas gift for his wife:

Got wisdom to pour?



Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard illustrator, cartoon remake, cartoon remakes, character design, character illustration, digital illustration, digital illustrator, digital painting, Disney, Disney illustration, Disney movie, Disney movie remakes, Disney remake, full-post, illustration, photoshop, Tyson Murphy, World Of Warcraft, World Of Warcraft illustrator