“Ok, I’m Outta Here”: 30 Disturbing And Creepy Images Captured On Camera

Published 2 years ago

Can you imagine that some people opt out for a horror film before going to bed? Then sleep peacefully and have no nightmares whatsoever. They watch it for entertainment, even relaxation purposes. While some can’t even cope with the sight of blood or the slightest floor crack gets them all spooked out.

There’s a special place on the internet for all spook lovers. “Weird” and “Oddly Terrifying” subreddits are where all the needs for a thrill can be fulfilled. The latter has already become a niche spot for over 2M members who live for all the oddly terrifying content posted there.

Thanks to these Reddit threads, we have assembled a collection of the most unsettling images. Our apologies if some of these images show up in somebody’s nightmare later tonight.

Interested in seeing more spooky images? Check out other Demilked posts from the “Oddly Terrifying” series here and here.

More info: Oddly Terrifying, Weird

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#1 Sign On A Cemetery Gate

Image source: R3dWolf78

#2 Portland Man Found His Tires Slashed, And This Note On His Car

Image source: killHACKS

#3 Not A Corn

Image source: louisebuquirankills

#4 This Abandoned Hospital Had A Visitor Last Night

Image source: killHACKS

#5 No Filters. Australia Was Red From Wildfires [2019]

Image source: _Xyreo_

#6 Just Sit Still And You’ll Be Fine

Image source: bo-amsterdam

#7 My Friend And His Girlfriend Came Across This In Somebody’s House

Image source: Downtown_Mongoose642

#8 The Dog’s Name Is Junebug

Image source: SleppyHarry

#9 The Dinosaurs In Jurassic Park Weren’t Graphics. Most Of Them Are Actors In Costumes

Image source: boykob

#10 This Is An Australian Moth, It Can Also Fly

Image source: Rix27_

#11 Something Darksided Going On In That Household I’m Sorry

Image source: MikeSington

#12 Abandoned Church In A Small Czech Village Remains A Shrine Filled With Ghost Sculptures Of The Parishioners Who Passed Away There

Image source: laurifroggy

#13 Chick Born With The Genetic Defect Polymelia, Causing It To Have 4 Legs

Image source: TechNewsCat

#14 Last Thing A Fish Sees In Antartica

Image source: rx_100_

#15 These Pointy Hat Fellas Enjoying A Ferris Wheel Ride

Image source: ftfrftfr

#16 Anyone Know Anything About This Weird Flyer?

Image source: ghibli_ghirl

#17 A Patient With Claustrophobia Panicking During A Ct Scan

Image source: AngryCactusKing

#18 I Just Learned About Muffler Hair And I Am Not Okay

Image source: mirandaugh

#19 Something Tells Me I Should Find Something Else To Eat

Image source: championboy14

#20 Mri Of A Pregnant Woman

Image source: DarthPirate10i

#21 The Girl Cursed With The Inability To Feel Physical Pain. She Rarely Eats Or Sleeps Because Of Her Inability To Feel Hunger Or Tiredness

Image source: noodlemcfoodle

#22 A Freestanding, Stiff Cable Found At A Playground. Nothing Happen When I Pulled It

Image source: CCMBRSS

#23 Koala Brains Look Like Top Quality Chicken Breast

Image source: Intrepid_Big_2608

#24 Win Or Die

Image source: Avigi_On_Matrix

#25 What An Uncanny Mannequ- Oh Wait That’s A Person

Image source: IsThatRyanC

#26 Sharks Photographed Upside Down

Image source: koppizmedia

#27 It’s A No For Me

Image source: Ok_General9620

#28 Out For A Ride

Image source: skippopolis

#29 A Mother Hiding Her Face As She Puts Her Children On Sale (Chicago USA, 1948)

Image source: TheTrueTurk

#30 I Left Netflix Running In My Bedroom This Morning And Came Back To See This Frozen On The Screen

Image source: Guywithquestions88

Violeta Lyskoit

Violeta is one free soul. She feels the most alive when traveling to new places and seeing the beautiful world out there.

Got wisdom to pour?



creepy images, horror lovers, Oddly Terrifying, Oddly Terrifying subreddit, r/oddlyterrifying, r/Weird, spook lovers, spooky images, unsettling things, weird photos, Weird subreddit