Internet Trolls Mark Zuckerberg Testifying Before Congress In The Most Creative Way

Published 6 years ago

Well, if you spend any time online, there is no way you haven’t heard about the recent Facebook situation. Mark Zuckerberg has been under scrutiny after word got out that the Trump-affiliated political consulting organization Cambridge Analytica stole data from 87 million of its users. And then on top of all of that, the social media giant admitted that they scan our conversations in the Messenger app. Needless to say, Mark Zuckerberg got in a bit of a sticky situation which led him to testify in front of the United States Congress. Of course, the Internet used the opportunity to make fun of this whole situation since everyone was able to watch the public hearing online. Countless memes have surfaced, poking fun at ‘Mr. Zuckerbot’ and his company, each one funnier than the next.  And what we know for sure is that when something becomes a topic online, people will definitely find the most creative ways to make fun of it.


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Image source: robbysoave


Image source:  IStillSupportTrump


Image source: bobvulfov


Image source: AlternativeFactss


Image source: ZackBornstein


Image source: stillgray


Image source: slyscorpion


Image source: BrandyLJensen


Image source: quintabrunson


Image source: OctopussSevenTwo


Image source: joshuatopolsky


Image source: StephenAtHome


Image source: xLiserx


Image source: MatthewTeague


Image source: timkmak

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best memes, best reactions, Cambridge Analytica, data scandal, funny memes, funny reactions, hilarious memes, hilarious reactions, Mark Zuckerberg, United States Congress, user data scandal, user privacy scandal