The Eurovision 2022 Song Contest Was A Blast, And Here Are 25 Top Memes And Reactions

Published 2 years ago

Perhaps many Europeans had trouble waking up the next day after watching the Eurovision finale. It was all worth it because, let’s agree, the Eurovision 2022 was an absolute blast! How many fellow Europeans were happy to see Mika back on stage with that same energy he had over 10 years ago? Oh, the sweet nostalgia! Other than Mika being brilliant as always, this year’s contestants delivered some jaw-dropping performances.

There have also been many funny moments that couldn’t slip through the vigilant viewer’s eyes. Viewers noticed the tiniest details to poke fun at. To reminisce on the best moments of Eurovision, take a look at the compiled list of the top Eurovision 2022 memes and reactions. What did you think of this year’s Eurovision? Who were your favorite contestants?

More info: Twitter

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Image source: scottygb


Image source: TechnicallyRon


Image source: CAPRIAN0


Image source: lucykathrynwood


Image source: FaultyMagician


Image source: zoelondondj


Image source: euromemesion


Image source: TechnicallyRon


Image source: ChainsOnLou


Image source: worldvishawn


Image source: LunaMoonMeUp


Image source: NinasPeach


Image source: JamesB767


Image source: krisdobz


Image source: Val_Voshchevska


Image source: ArgentumTrs


Image source: BushyBoi3000


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Image source: jonoread


Image source: jonoread


Image source: Pikachuzita


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Image source: wa_livi


Image source: JulesDrmnn




Image source: Mylenn

Violeta Lyskoit

Violeta is one free soul. She feels the most alive when traveling to new places and seeing the beautiful world out there.

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eurovision, Eurovision 2022, Eurovision 2022 memes, Eurovision memes, Eurovision song contest, funny Eurovision reactions, funny memes, funny reactions