10+ Painfully Obvious Signs That Will Make You Laugh

Published 7 years ago

Sometimes you come across a sign that states something so obvious, you wonder why the heck somebody decided to put it up in the first place. But then you wonder if maybe, just maybe, somebody did something so stupid once that someone else put a sign up to dissuade other people from doing something equally ridiculous.

Check out the list below for some perfect examples. From signs helpfully instructing people not to breathe under water, to signs asking customers not to try out condoms before they buy them, this hilarious collection of obvious signs will both confuse you and amuse you. (h/t: boredpanda)

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Image source: imgur


Image source: Albuyeh


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Image source: fattymctubkins


Image source: imgur


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Image source: paige191991


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creative signs, funniest signs, funny signs, hilarious signs, needless signs, obvious, obvious signs, pointless signs, stupid signs