30 Very British Pictures Without Any Context, As Shared On This Account (New Pics)

Published 2 years ago

As someone who has lived in England for a few years, I feel like I can put in my twopence here (you see what I did there?) There’s something about British people that draws you in. Perhaps their exceptional politeness, friendliness, or generally just happy-go-lucky attitudeYou can recognize a Brit when you see one. Or hear one.

And how can we forget? The blokes are bloody hilarious, and that laughter is so irresistibly contagious. The Twitter page “No Context Brits” shares all things British. But don’t worry, we non-Brits will also find stuff to cackle at. Scroll down and see some of the ‘very British’ pics!

Is British humor your cup of tea? If yes, then check out more related posts here and here

More info: Twitter

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Image source: NoContextBrits


Image source: NoContextBrits


Image source: NoContextBrits


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Image source: NoContextBrits


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Image source: NoContextBrits


Image source: NoContextBrits


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Image source: NoContextBrits


Image source: NoContextBrits

Violeta Lyskoit

Violeta is one free soul. She feels the most alive when traveling to new places and seeing the beautiful world out there.

Got wisdom to pour?



british humor, british memes, brits humor, funny British humor, funny memes, funny pictures, No Context Brits, no context pics, No Context Uk, very british