35 “Brand New Sentences” That Deserve Some Attention
The world has been around for so long that it feels like almost everything is repetitive. Fashion, Hollywood plot lines and even the stories we share with friends have become rather predictable and routine. So in a world where everything feels recycled, the introduction of something utterly brand-new feels like a rare delicacy for our somewhat jaded brains.
The “Brand New Sentences” Reddit community has become a popular source of fresh entertainment since its creation in 2018. This page has been sharing all the funniest and most unexpectedly ridiculous sentences that people have written online. If you feel like you’re in the mood for some words that have never been quite put together this way before, scroll to read the most bemusing things people have come up with, shared in the gallery below.
#1 If Pregnancy Is God’s Will, So Is Limp D*ck
Image source: 2jzSwappedSnail
AndyTaylor: Limp Dickzquit
#2 DIY Deportation
Image source: talleyberrybaby
AndyTaylor: He cheated, she yeeted.
#3 So You Don’t Lose Any ”Tired”
Image source: Green____cat
#4 “Would Apocalypse With”
Image source: ATinyGreenCell
AndyTaylor: Originally from the Catskills.
#5 David Bowie’s Crotch Bulge
Image source: big_papa_geek
#6 Wear Her Go To Work A*s
Image source: SandorMate
#7 “…if You Are Staying In A Country With Poorly Developed Health Services And Infrastructure And/Or Collective Infrastructure, For Example The USA”
Image source: sltinker
KDav: You can’t get mad if it’s true.
#8 The Wise Animals
Image source: Ra505
#9 Back In My Day
Image source: CasualThursday
#10 Would It K*ll The Makers Of Avocados To Include A Different Toy
Image source: JenTakeTwo
#11 Stealing Guns Off Of Officers Using A Toy Dino Grabber
Image source: Son0fSanf0rd
Joe Reaves: If you can take an officer’s gun with a dino grabber, I think that officer should be in trouble.
#12 Your Skull Is Full Of Wet Cat Food
Image source: Ok-Afternoon-2113
char: I‘ve seen it more from white men though? and um, it’s pretty bad
#13 5% Bread Flavored Soda
Image source: Otherwise_Basis_6328
Depressy spaghetti: I will be calling beer “bread flavored soda” from now on.
#14 Can’t Wait To Use It!
Image source: IanKarmel
#15 Do Yall Think Bugs Are Born Knowing They Can Walk Up Walls
Image source: bb21_sam
#16 Using A Vibrator To Clean Up Without Gagging
Image source: -average-reddit-user
#17 Well That Was A Great Idea
Image source: TotoB12
KamaboCo.: And we’ve got another four years of this to look forward to
#18 Public Armpits
Image source: sarahradz_
The Doom Song: Not a fan of public armpits either lil buddy
#19 Imagine…
Image source: YesYoureRacist
FreeTheUnicorn: Franklin would laugh because he’d expect it. Adams would beat you to death with your own arms.
#20 I Wonder How Long Do You Need To BBQ It For
Image source: Tararator18
#21 This Is Not A Baby Trebuchet, It Is A Baby Catapult
Image source: Illustrious-Lead-960
#22 Honey Taster Bear
Image source: RiddleViernes
#23 I Want To Increase My Natural Bioluminescence
Image source: Green____cat
Penguin Panda Pop: The answer is uranium
#24 That’s Modern Milk For Ya
Image source: Left-Hair9937
KamaboCo.: I’d increase their tip by 10%
#25 A Potato On Drugs
Image source: dmark200
#26 Jesus Of New Jersey
Image source: typahine
Auntriarch: Never mind Americans, it’s been centuries since Jesus was portrayed realistically in Europe. Unless there’s a recent version of Christ Pantocrator that I haven’t seen.
#27 Excellent Use Of Free Will
Image source: Spirited_Worker_5722
#28 Make Better Choices, Hawaiian Monk Seals!
Image source: Mamamia-305
AndyTaylor: No kink shaming.
#29 Diagnosed Me With Ugly
Image source: taong_paham
#30 Soup Of The Day Implies Another, Possibly Even Seductive, Soup Of The Night
Image source: bewgtweets
Andrew Keir: Soup of the Day is the result of yesterday’s ‘Leftovers of the day’
#31 Thank Goodness It’s An Alpaca
Image source: Spdrcstl
#32 Incelf On The Shelf
Image source: theliamnissan
#33 Great Googily Moogily
Image source: itsjustsufiyan
Jennifer Clayton: That’ll do, pig.
#34 Cat Boosts Economy By Millions
Image source: astralrig96
AndyTaylor: All aboard the Fe-Line.
#35 Luigi As The Official Symbol Of Resistance Against The Corporate Oligarchy
Image source: airpod_dinasaur
Got wisdom to pour?