25 Subtle Ways To Tell If Someone Is Genuinely A Good Person

Published 3 weeks ago

Getting to know someone’s intentions and whether they are trustworthy is not always easy. Many people in the world are wonderful human beings, but what indicators tell people about those good qualities quicker than anything else?  Recently, a Reddit discussion kicked off when someone inquired, “What’s a subtle sign someone is genuinely a good person?” Folks responded with the little signs they’ve learned to pick up on that give away the kindness in someone’s heart right away. We’ve accumulated the most insightful and interesting takes to share with you in the gallery below.

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#1 Got a cancer diagnosis in January. I had just started dating this woman, she came with me to my first appointment for chemo. I’m thinking to myself as I’m sitting there, this is it she is gonna bail so quick once the side effects start. She was there for me. Every. Single. Time. Made it through the treatments, and now I’m cancer free and married her in August.

Image source: FattyMcTons, Tima Miroshnichenko

#2 They authentically apologize when they are wrong or when they make a mistake without anyone asking them to. They can let go of ego for the sake of what is right. On the opposite side of the same coin, they have a forgiving nature.

Image source: NoCatAndNoCradle, August de Richelieu

#3 People who are able to laugh at themselves, especially after falling down in public, oh and they are totally okay with others laughing as well because sometimes it’s just silly being human.

Image source: ansmcara69, Alexas Fotos

#4 I’m a kind person but my guy? He’s a GOOD man. No one will scroll far enough to read this so why not brag on him.

Image source: Irresponsable_Frog, Kaboompics.com

My partner is almost 50, big quiet man. Been working in construction for over 30 years. He hires subs to do a lot of the specialized jobs, like painters. He’s been hiring these painters as long as he’s been in the business. About a week or so ago, the owners of the home they are building were having a party holiday party for the crew, interior designer, and architect. My partner got an igloo mug and Christmas card, inside was a nice bonus, in cash. He thanked them and went to check on the rest of the crew. He noticed all the “main” crew got the igloo mug and a card, with some cash, except the 5 painters. They just got igloo mugs, which is fine, the owners didn’t need to give anyone ANYTHING that’s on the business they work for. But my guy knows these guys. This year they had lost the owner of the painting business and the father of one of them. 2 of the guys just started families. They are like his main crew! He took his bonus, gave each of them some of the money and wished them a Merry Christmas. They tried to refuse. They told him they were fine. But my quiet guy, did what he does best, ignored them and walked off. No need for props or thank yous. Just a good heart.


#5 They are able to be happy for other people. It’s a vanishing skill these days to be able to just honestly be happy for someone who succeeds and not be snarky about it.

Image source: pestyfinesty, Zen Chung

#6 One of my favorite sayings is “Principles only mean something if you stand up for them when it’s inconvenient.” When people stand up for what’s right at a time when it isn’t convenient, that’s a good person.

Image source: grpenn, Pavel Danilyuk

#7 They do good things for others without expecting something in return.

Image source: zakzayjak, Mental Health America (MHA)

#8 They’re polite to people they have authority over.

Image source: Maria-Stryker, Anna Shvets

#9 They are the one in the group who stops and waits for you while you to tie your shoe or they hold the door as the rest of the group keeps moving.

Image source: BullMcCracken, Tirachard Kumtanom

#10 Their genuine kindness towards those weaker than themselves. Animals immediately feel comfortable around them.

Image source: Gay_andConfused, Sarwer e Kainat Welfare

#11 That guy or girl that tries to integrate you in conversations in a pretty organic and not showing off way. Specially when you’re introvert.

Image source: actstunt, Diva Plavalaguna

#12 They intervene when someone is being a jacka*s to someone else.

Image source: LTora1993, Andrea Piacquadio

#13 It’s easy to be a good person when things are easy. A true good person will remain good when they are angry, or scared, etc. If your morals evaporate under stress, you don’t actually have morals.

Image source: AdTotal801, Vitaly Gariev

#14 When they are kind to cashiers and servers

Image source: scsoutherngal, Kampus Production

#15 They treat people that cannot do anything for them very well.

Image source: Lanky_Structure415, RDNE Stock project

#16 They treat ‘ugly’ and ‘fat’ people like people. So many times as a big person I’ve been overlooked and literally cut out of group conversations because of my size (had confirmation of this not guessing). The good person would always bring me into the conversation and talk to me outside of the group.

Image source: Pickle-Severe, Towfiqu barbhuiya

#17 The one guy in high school who’s friends with the “weird”, quiet kids and the “popular” kids at the same time. Just treating everyone with respect, even when others don’t do the same.

Image source: Extreme_Try8414, Kobe –

#18 They don’t need a list of rules nor exterior validation in order to make decisions for the sake of greater good. Good people don’t not commit armed burglary because its *illegal* – they don’t commit armed burglary because it’s a s****y human thing to do.

Image source: -Maris-, Mikhail Nilov

#19 Actively listening to you as you’re talking. Engaging in conversations that you’ve started or are interested in. Will show up when they say are coming. Can turn down your event, without being a d**k about it (saying yes then not showing up or using an excuse to not go).

Image source: Due-Ad-3833, Oleksandr P

#20 Complimenting people behind their back.

Image source: Elddan, Liza Summer

#21 When they pick up other peoples trash without making a big deal about it.

Image source: cruiserman_80, SHVETS production

#22 They ask you about something you told them before to see how things are going. They remember little bits of information about you and ask you about it.

Image source: Gldustwm25, KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA

#23 Being kind to animals, they don’t judge us nor give something of monetary value in return. The only reason to be kind to them is because you’re kind.

Image source: Purrurian, Blue Bird

#24 I was one of 40 or so people from my church feeding the homeless at the Salvation Army shelter one night. I dumped a bag of dinner rolls into a bowl. “Don’t just dump them”, our group leader said; “presentation is important”.

Image source: Ranchette_Geezer, Getty Images

I rearranged them nicely. Treating everyone with respect, be they guests in your home or homeless people in a shelter, is a mark of a genuinely good person.

#25 Here’s one, you mention: “man I have to get to this location” and the person goes “oh dw, I can give you a ride.” For no reason but to be nice. You’ll notice a LOT of people never offer this, good people do.

Image source: The1Floyd, Tobi

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

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behaviours, genuine people, good people, signs, subtle signs, traits