Heartbreaking Comic About A Green Mermaid By Ukrainian Artist Andy Ivanov

Published 3 years ago

Andy Ivanov is a Ukrainian artist who caught everyone’s attention back in 2019 with his tear-jerking comic titled May, the Mermaid of Lily Lake, as well as a follow-up back in May of 2020. Both of the comics ended in a cliffhanger, leaving fans anxiously waiting for the latest installment. And for all of those who have been patiently waiting, Andy has some good news – the long wait is finally over as he has finally released the third and final part of his comic.

See all three parts of Andy’s heartbreaking Mermaid comic in the gallery below!

More info: FacebookInstagram | Twitter | artstation.com

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“Who is that?”

Image credits: andivart

“I hope he likes me…”

Image credits: andivart


Image credits: andivart


Image credits: andivart

Image credits: andivart

“Hey, little one. Don’t be afraid, I just didn’t expect to see you”

Image credits: andivart

“I believe you”

Image credits: andivart

“What is this? Some inexplicable feeling…”

Image credits: andivart

Image credits: andivart

“Oh no! My kiss poisoned him. No, no…”

Image credits: andivart

Image credits: andivart

“Oh no”

Image credits: andivart

“Please live, I’ll bring you a petal of life”

Image credits: andivart

“Do you see this beast?”

Image credits: andivart

“Got caught!”

Image credits: andivart

“Good job, boy. We caught her”

Image credits: andivart

“What have I done? She will not survive in captivity. I must somehow help her”

Image credits: andivart

“I’ll bring you home”

Image credits: andivart

“I’m so sorry… Please be free again” “Hey boy! Don’t do what you want to do, or I’ll shoot you!”

Image credits: andivart

Image credits: andivart

“Petal of life. I kept it in my hand from the beginning. You will live, you will live…”

Image credits: andivart

Image credits: andivart

Image credits: andivart

“Wake up. The sun rose”

Image credits: andivart

“I’m alive, but how is that possible?” “Come with me, I’ll show you something”

Image credits: andivart

“It’s him again! We can hide in a secret place that I wanted to show you”

Image credits: andivart

“He won’t find us, we’re safe here…”

Image credits: andivart

“This Lily is my life. I gave you a part of me… The petal… And you survived”

Image credits: andivart

“There you are! Gotcha!”

Image credits: andivart

“What is this here? It will be mine” “If he picks the flower, I will die…”

Image credits: andivart

“Don’t touch the…”

Image credits: andivart

“… Flower”

Image credits: andivart

“Oh no, no… It’s all because of me”

Image credits: andivart

“I’m so sorry, my love…”

Image credits: andivart

Image credits: andivart

Image credits: andivart

Image credits: andivart

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

Got wisdom to pour?



andivart, Andy Ivanov, comic, comics, Green Mermaid, illustration, visual story